

【石黛因依-周宸個展 Cyan Black Fusion - Chou Chen Solo Exhibition】

  • 展期

    日期:2024-10-19 ~ 2024-12-24

  • 地點


  • 參展藝術家


  • 杜甫在《閬水歌》云 :「嘉陵江色何所似?石黛碧玉相因依。」,其中“石黛”即“青黑”色,正是周宸近年作品創作中,經常使用的顏色。 “因依”即融合的意思,以油畫顏料中的青黑色,重新詮釋水墨畫中的墨色。試圖創建當代水墨精神與油彩融合的表現,經由創作再反芻的時代表徵。

    這次的作品主要延續前兩年的新水墨精神與創作再詮釋,畫面多以單色系表現為主,畫面中的線條與造型多源於對大自然各種元素的意象,如山川飛瀑、奇石花鳥、浩瀚穹宇、斑駁的痕跡………等等。在創作的過程中隨著感受透過刮、抹、洗、刷、染………等等各種當下的、不受侷限的技法給予作品養分與構成,創作的過程有如一趟未知的冒險旅程,節奏時而飛快時而慢悠,有時停頓凝滯、有時瞬息萬變,呈現於畫面上!透過脈絡的串聯,時而如山石、時而如花樹、時遠時近,呈現出變化萬千的風景。在畫面上,可以看見過去歲月的質感、未來空間的瞬息變化與當下存在的脈動 !

    Du Fu, in his poem "Song of the Lang River," wrote: "What does the color of the Jialing River resemble? It is like cyan black and emerald intertwined.” Cyan black is a color frequently used in Chou Chen's recent paintings. "Yinyi" means fusion, representing the reinterpretation of the ink tones in traditional ink painting using the cyan black color from oil paint. The goal is to create an expression that fuses the spirit of contemporary ink painting with oil painting, reflecting the characteristics of the modern era through a process of creative reinterpretation.

    This work primarily continues the spirit of New Ink Painting and creative reinterpretation from the past two years. The compositions mainly feature monochromatic tones, with lines and shapes inspired by various elements of nature, vast universe and mottled traces. During the creative process, various impromptu and free-form techniques such as scraping, smearing, washing, brushing, and dyeing are used to inject idea and structure into the work. The creative journey is like an unknown adventure with ever-changing rhythms. These changes are all reflected in the picture. Through the connections in context, the image sometimes resembles mountains and rocks, and at other times flowers and trees, presenting an ever-changing landscape. In the painting, viewers can see the texture of past years, the instantaneous changes in future space, and the rhythm of the present moment.

    展期Exhibition︱2024.10.19~ 2024.12.24
    開幕Opening︱2024.10.26 (六)15:00

    台北藝術週活動 Art Taipei Week|
    1. 藝術家周宸導覽|2024.10.19 (六)15:00
    2. 座談會: 陳廷彰創作理念與作品分享會 2024.10.20(六)15:00
    3. 座談會: 輕盈的行走於混沌-劉信義創作分享 2024.10.27(六)15:00



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【「 那片 - 海 」 李自暐2024油畫個展】

日期:2024-08-10 ~ 2024-09-01|台灣,花蓮縣