
異雲書屋Yiyun Art

【M06 翁榛羚 - MIT新人推薦特區】2024 台北國際藝術博覽會

  • 展期

    日期:2024-10-25 ~ 2024-10-28

  • 地點


  • 參展藝術家


  • 異雲書屋很高興能向您介紹,2024 台北國際藝術博覽會 —— MIT 新人推薦特區 獲獎藝術家 翁榛羚 Weng Jhen-Ling,即將於展位 #M06 展出!



    「對我來說,銅版腐蝕呼應了我對自身『內心傷口』的部分。在一片完整的銅版上,塗上防腐蝕液後,刻畫於版上的圖像,就如同我劃破了心靈的傷口,經過硝酸液體的腐蝕,它就不再是平滑透亮的銅版,這是我對自身外在形象與內在形象的矛盾感。」 —— 翁榛羚 自述

    Yi Yun Art is pleased to introduce Weng Jhen-Ling, a winning artist of the “Made in Taiwan: Young Artist Discovery” program. Her works will be showcased at booth #M06 during the 2024 Art Taipei!

    Weng Jhen-Ling primarily employs copperplate etching as her medium, and her works aim to explore the extraordinary within the ordinary. She adopts a layout akin to a stage set, blending imagery from the “Eighteen Levels of Hell”, and breaks the linearity of time and space by juxtaposing the internal soul, external image, and even projections and desires. This creates a surreal, dream-like world filled with dark humor, strangeness, and the bizarre.

    These seemingly unrelated figures, through their actions and gazes, appear to form new narratives. As the viewer attempts to categorize and construct storylines within the work, they gradually uncover inherent contradictions, voids, and moments of intrigue.

    “For me, copperplate etching resonates with the 'inner wounds' within myself. On a smooth copperplate, after applying a resist, the image etched onto the plate feels like I’m cutting into a wound of the soul. After being corroded by the acid, the plate is no longer smooth and shiny, symbolizing the contradiction I feel between my external image and inner self.” — Weng Jhen-Ling, Artist's Statement.


    展期|2024. 10. 25 - 10. 28


    ❰ 收藏洽詢 ❱
    Tel|青田館・02 2395 9292
    Tel|金華館・02 2395 5858



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