


  • 展期

    日期:2024-11-12 ~ 2025-01-12

  • 地點


  • 參展藝術家


  • 畫家的創作起點從來不是孤立的,它需要與外在世界產生關聯,這種關聯可能來自一本書、一幅畫,或與某個人的交流。這樣的互動逐漸沉澱為畫家個人的生命經驗,成為創作中的基礎和脈絡。這種脈絡不僅是個人的生命故事,同時也能延伸,成為藝術史的一部分。



    The starting point of an artist's creation is never isolated; it requires a connection with the external world. This connection may come from a book, a painting, or an interaction with someone. These interactions gradually accumulate into the artist's personal life experiences, forming the foundation and context of their work. This context is not only a personal life story but can also extend to become part of art history.

    What does art history mean to a painter? It represents a complex structure of the external world, where most painting creations are inevitably dialogues with the past—whether by continuation, subversion, or innovation. Through imitation, contrast, reference, and appropriation of classic works, painters embark on a path of "moving forward by looking back." This method of creation is also evident in Hsieh Mu-Chi's recent works. Drawing inspiration from classic pieces in Taiwanese art history, Hsieh uses these classics as references, interpreting his own exploration of cultural and thematic subjects, thereby opening up a new painting logic. By continuously reflecting on and digesting the works of others, Hsieh gradually developed his unique style.

    The title of the exhibition "The Place of Beginning" stems from Hsieh Mu-Chi's 2006 work "The Place Without Beginning." This shift in naming symbolizes a transformation in his creative mindset, reflecting a deeper reorganization and exploration of his painting practice. Hsieh’s approach to creation is like breathing new life into past works. With a mindset of repetitive creation, he attempts to discover whether new expressions can emerge through repeated operations. Thus, what Hsieh pursues is not a fixed, definite style, but a painting logic and subject matter that can be continuously manipulated, allowing him to return to the purity of his initial learning of painting.



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