【GDAP Show #02 - EMPTY SPACE】即興演奏會 (本場演出為售票入場)
日期:2024-11-24 ~ 2024-11-24
林子寧 Lin Tzu Ning (electronics + vocal)、黃晴 Huang Ching (electronics+violin) 、陳保明 Chen Paung Min (electronics) 、張凱崴 Chang Kai Wei (electronics)
●林子寧(Lin Tzu-Ning):Electronics + Vocal
With theater as the main focus,interested in cross-border and experimental performances. In 2019, started exploring experimental music performances in the form of human voice.
Now focus on the relationship between voice and body, and what between sound and becoming language, about raw sensuality, symbolism, logical thinking.
Ensemble improvisation focuses on communication and connection with other people’s sound.
Recently started using synthesizers to join the show.
●黃晴怡(Huang Ching-Yi):Electronics+Violin
Huang Ching Yi is an improvisation and classical violinist based in Taipei, Taiwan. Developing possibilities through combining classical music and improvisation, she brings together instrumental music and sounds from different eras, cultures, and regions to create new forms of expression. In the experimental and underground scene, she mostly engages with music through collaboration. For her, improvisation is centered around listening, observing, and responding to a musical structure through dialogue, which creates a sense of awareness and a diversity of textures and sounds.
●陳保明 (Chen Paung-Min) :Electronics
Chen Paung Min creates intense electronic music that sounds like a mix of broken toys and digital glitches. Through the function knobs, they transform normal sounds into strange and distorted noise in real-time. Their style combines experimental electronic music with industrial sounds, creating an unsettling atmosphere that feels both mechanical and wonderfull. The music makes listeners feel like they're trapped inside a malfunctioning computer, where real-world sounds break apart and transform into digital chaos.
●張凱崴(Chang, Kai-Wei):Electronics
張凱崴是一位居住於布魯克林的台灣電子音樂家、作曲家、製作人及多樂器演奏家。他的風格與工業、故障音樂(glitch)、環境音樂等傳統相呼應,作品經常探索實驗性技術、多樣化的作曲手法及創新形式的結合。他的作品強調音色與質地元素,將廣泛的即興演奏語彙與非正統的後製、歌曲創作和聲響設計途徑融為一體。作為製作人,他曾與Cherophobiac、Andrés Volkov、Elliot Cole以及其他紐約音樂家合作。他的首張LP專輯《Reprocessor》於2023年由Long Echo Records發行,被Obscure Sound評為「黑暗而充滿活力的故障音景,展現從不安的寬廣空間到靈巧的節奏魅影的動態範疇,有時彷彿融合了Burial與Oneohtrix Point Never的風格」(2024年)。
Kai-Wei Chang is a Brooklyn-based Taiwanese electronic musician, composer, producer and multi-instrumentalist. Stylistically aligning with traditions of industrial, glitch, ambient music, His work often explores combinations of experimental technique, diverse compositional approach and experimental form. His work often emphasizes timbral & textural elements, while fusing a vast improvisational vocabulary with unorthodox post-production, songwriting and sound design methods. As a producer he has worked with Cherophobiac, Andrés Volkov, Elliot Cole and other NY-based musicians. His debut LP, “Reprocessor” (“darkly invigorating, glitchy soundscapes, touting a dynamic range from unsettling spaciousness to dexterous rhythmic haunts, at times resembling a cross of Burial and Oneohtrix Point Never” - Obscure Sound 2024) was released under Long Echo Records in 2023.
【GDAP Show - EMPTY SPACE】即興演奏會資訊
●日期 2024/11/24,
●票價: 400元
●主視覺設計: 陳保明 Chen Paung Min -