日期:2024-09-09 ~ 2024-11-30
中原大學藝術中心(桃園市中壢區中北路200號,全人教育村北棟/ 沐樂展覽廳)
江定宇畢業於法國國立布爾日藝術學院研究所(ENSA Bourges),獲法國國家高等造型表達
Memories Emerging – Solo Exhibition by Ting-Yu CHIANG
Ting-Yu CHIANG, a graduate of the École Nationale Supérieure d'Art de Bourges (ENSA Bourges) in France, holds the prestigious Higher National Diploma of Plastic Expression (Diplôme National Supérieur d'Expression Plastique, DNSEP). Currently, he serves as an adjunct assistant professor in the Department of Interior Design at Chung Yuan Christian University (CYCU).
This exhibition, through the medium of oil and acrylic paints, delves into the fundamental elements of painting: line, form, and color. On the canvas, Ting-Yu CHIANG reflects upon life, projecting and contemplating the inner landscapes of memory. He explores sensory awareness and the simple essence of existence, seeking to redefine the value of beauty and achieve a deeper understanding of the things that make up our lives. Many of the paintings are presented in a series, symbolizing or alluding to the ritualistic unfolding and multifaceted nature of life. They express the extensibility and permeability of objects across space and time. Within varied symbolic structures, and between the realms of reality and memory, existence and transience, the works engage with the profound questions of life’s essence.
展覽日期 Duration
2024 / 09 / 09 – 10 / 19
部分展品延展至 2024 / 11 / 30
茶會暨藝術家導覽 Tea Party and Artist Guided Tour
2024 / 09 / 18 Wed. 12:10pm
開放時間 Open Hours
週一至週五 Mon. - Fri. 10:00-17:00
週六 Sat. 13:00-17:00
*免費自由參觀 Free and Welcome
展覽地點 Venue
中原大學藝術中心(桃園市中壢區中北路200號,全人教育村北棟/ 沐樂展覽廳)
Art Center, CYCU (Muller Exhibition Hall / Holistic Education Village, No. 200, Zhongbei Rd., Zhongli Dist., Taoyuan City)
view all【木松阿公的奇想漂流木】陳木松個展
日期:2024-10-28 ~ 2024-11-30|台灣,桃園市
【有水流過的地方】葉仁焜個展(文本 / 鄧九雲)
日期:2024-05-20 ~ 2024-06-22|台灣,桃園市