紐西蘭X台灣聲音藝術表演 @華山文創基地
日期:2015-02-14 ~ 0000-00-00
紐西蘭 x 台灣 聲音藝術表演 @華山文創基地 清酒工坊
白木耳力邀紐西蘭聲音藝術家Campbell Kneale、Greg Malcolm與Jeff Henderson,台灣聲音藝術家王福瑞、陳史帝以及音速死馬演出。並於活動當天發行白木耳的最新副刊《潛意識餐廳4》,這份中英雙語雜誌內容特別收錄了紐西蘭當代藝術、實驗音樂與文學。
白木耳創辦人Ron與Mark Hanson兄弟,2000年時從家鄉紐西蘭來到台灣,Hanson兄弟積極以發行藝術雜誌與舉辦表演活動將台灣藝術推至世界各地。至今已將台灣藝術家與雜誌至柏林、舊金山、紐約、香港、東京與北京等地舉辦發表演出。
New Zealand x Taiwan - Sound Art Event at Huashan Creative Park
Taiwan art magazine White Fungus is about to hold a big sound art event at Huashan Creative Park featuring New Zealand and Taiwan artists on February 14, 6pm-10pm. The event takes place during the Taipei International Book Exhibition at which New Zealand is the Guest of Honour.
As part of New Zealand's presence in Taipei during the book fair, White Fungus is flying over three New Zealand artists – Campbell Kneale, Greg Malcolm and Jeff Henderson – to perform at an event which will release a New Zealand issue of bilingual (Chinese and English) sister publication the Subconscious Restaurant. Taiwan artists Wang Fujui, Noise Steve and Sonic Deadhorse will also perform.
White Fungus founders the brothers Ron and Mark Hanson first moved to Taiwan at the beginning of 2000. They have since become immersersed in the Taiwan art scene and have been introducing Taiwan artists to the world through their publications and live events in cities including Berlin, San Francisco, New York, Hong Kong, Tokyo and Beijing. Now the Hansons will introduce some of their favorite currents in New Zealand art, literature and music to Taiwan.