大雋藝術 Rich Art
【Soft Murmurs 溫柔呢喃——女性藝術家聯展】

日期:2025-03-01 ~ 2025-04-20
Laura Burke、Fabienne Meyer、Aliya Abs、Nada Elkalaawy
《Soft Murmurs 溫柔呢喃》女性藝術家聯展Female Artists Group Exhibition
⏦ 藝術家 Artists
Laura Burke
Fabienne Meyer (Bings)
Aliya Abs
Nada Elkalaawy
⭐ 開幕Opening Day|2025.03.01(六)14:00-18:00
⭐「畫語中的溫柔呢喃」展覽座談Exhibition Talk|2025.03.01(六)14:30開始
⏦ 日期 Date|2025.03.01(六Sat.)– 2025.04.20(日Sun.)
⏦ 時間 Time|週二至週日11:00-19:00 (週一公休Mon. Closed)
⏦ 地點Venue|大雋藝術 Rich Art Gallery (408台中市南屯區惠文路489號)
大雋藝術誠摯邀請您參加2025年度首檔展覽《Soft Murmurs 溫柔呢喃》,此次展覽特別呈現四位卓越女性藝術家的作品——Laura Burke、Fabienne Meyer (Bings)、Aliya Abs 與 Nada Elkalaawy。她們以各具風格的創作語言,深刻探討女性如何透過空間、身份與情感來表達自我經驗與生命敘事。
Laura Burke的作品透過陶瓷、窗戶等視覺元素的精緻排列,模糊人工與自然的邊界,探索內外空間的流動關係。她重塑視覺框架,讓觀者重新思考自身與環境的關聯,展現「溫柔呢喃」中的細膩與力量。Fabienne Meyer (Bings)以詩意與幽默構築介於抽象與具象之間的視覺語言,透過隨性卻秩序井然的構圖,挑戰觀者對日常事物的既定印象。她的作品遊走於自由與規則之間,如呢喃般溫柔卻不失張力,揭示女性創作的韌性與細膩。Aliya Abs運用沉穩的大地色調,捕捉日常生活中短暫卻深刻的情感瞬間。她以層次豐富的色彩語言,將家庭空間轉化為情感的容器,描繪女性經驗的親密與距離,展現柔和卻堅定的情感共鳴。Nada Elkalaawy將瓷器與文藝復興小天使元素融合,賦予經典符號新的敘事空間。她的作品連結個人記憶與集體歷史,遊走於過去與當代之間,彷彿低語般傳遞深刻的情感與文化記憶,展現女性創作的獨特力量。
《Soft Murmurs 溫柔呢喃》是一場充滿力量卻又內斂的對話,遊走於張力與和諧、親密與遼闊之間。每位藝術家的作品,既似輕聲的呢喃,也如堅定的宣告,讓觀者在不同的視覺與情感層面間徘徊。這場展覽邀請觀眾深入探索空間、情感與文化的多重意涵,見證女性藝術家們如何通過她們獨特的創作語言,表達出日常經驗中的深層複雜性與情感力量。大雋藝術誠摯邀請您沉浸於這場共鳴之旅,感受女性創作中蘊藏的柔韌力量與多元敘事之美。
Soft Murmurs — Rich Art’s first exhibition of 2025 — proudly presents a group show featuring four outstanding female artists: Laura Burke, Fabienne Meyer (Bings), Aliya Abs, and Nada Elkalaawy. Through a rich diversity of creative expressions, the exhibition delves into how women articulate their personal experiences and life narratives through space, emotion, and identity.
The exhibition title Soft Murmurs evokes a metaphorical resonance — a quiet yet persistent force — representing the profound strength of women’s creative voices, even when understated. Each artist weaves narratives filled with concealed emotions, whispered memories, and spaces that transcend appearances, guiding viewers toward deeper engagement. The exhibition underscores the unique perspectives of female artists, bringing forth a collective voice that speaks to the complexities of femininity, memory, and presence. Each work embodies a delicate yet resilient energy, while also echoing profound reflections and interpretations in contemporary art.
Soft Murmurs unfolds like a subtle yet resonant conversation, balancing tension and harmony, intimacy and expansiveness. Each work echoes within the exhibition space as both a whisper and a declaration, allowing viewers to navigate between different visual and emotional layers. Through a compelling interplay of themes and perspectives, the exhibition explores the layered complexities embedded in daily experiences, bearing witness of how female artists shine through creativity with their unique styles in contemporary art. Rich Art Gallery warmly invite audiences to immerse themselves in this resonant journey, experiencing the resilient beauty and diverse narratives woven through women’s creative expressions. -
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134 days left