Mind the G
【GDAP #17 INBTWiiN 彼間】蘊|Yu 創作個展

日期:2025-03-21 ~ 2026-04-13
《INBTWiiN 彼間》
“In-between” is where boundaries dissolve, where all things shift and flow. It belongs neither here nor there, yet it emerges in transition.
The Five Aggregates accumulate, carrying memory; Formlessness is ever-changing, beyond grasp. In this exhibition, calligraphy, UV light, moving images, and installations
intertwine—fluid as water, formless as wind. Light and shadow, motion and stillness arise and fade, allowing the viewer to not just observe, but to experience the flow of
consciousness in-between. Meaning ebbs and flows, leaving no trace. Writing cannot exhaust speech, nor speech exhaust thought. When words fall away, perception begins. This is a silent dialogue, an unwritten script—inviting you to step in-between and find yourself in the impermanence of all things.
蘊|Yu 中原大學景觀系
以創造的水母宇宙為核心,專注於探索集體意 識流動與宇宙能量的實驗性藝術。作品融合了UV繪畫與書法,結合自然生態中的水母意象, 呈現一場白天與黑夜交織的視覺與精神旅程。 靈感來自《心經》與《金剛經》,透過藝術傳 遞愛與善良。作品形式涵蓋多媒材,如投影、聲響、採集自 然素材、廢物再製與即興現場創作,帶來沈浸 式的感官體驗。場域常選擇於特定自然或歷史 空間,與環境共生並延伸出新的敘事。我們不只是創造,而是與你一起流動。
水母宇宙遊走於音樂節, 帶著「邊聽音樂、邊創作」的任務,邀請每一 位參與者在聲音與光影中揮灑靈感, 進行即興書寫與集體創作。 這不只是視覺與音樂的交融, 更是一場療癒性的流動體驗 ·在節奏與筆觸之間, 感受當下,釋放自我。
The Department of Landscape Architecture at Chung Yuan Christian University centers on creating a jellyfish universe that explores the flow of collective consciousness and cosmic energy through experimental art. The work merges UV painting, calligraphy, and natural jellyfish imagery to create a visual and spiritual journey, inspired by the Heart Sutra and Diamond Sutra, conveying love and kindness. Utilizing various media such as projection, sound, natural materials, upcycled waste, and live improvisation, the work offers an immersive sensory experience. It often takes place in
natural or historical spaces, coexisting with the environment to create new narratives. The Jellyfish Universe also participates in music festivals, inviting participants to engage in spontaneous writing and collective creation, blending visuals, music, and therapeutic flow to experience the present moment and release oneself.
▍時間:12:00-17:30 (週一、二公休)
▍東方廣告 - GDAP -
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