

【福爾摩沙時代—臺灣近現代美術的知識啟蒙】The Formosa Era: the Intellectual Enlightenment of Early Modern and Modern Art in Taiwan

  • 展期

    日期:2025-03-25 ~ 2025-07-06

  • 地點


  • 總論





    Since the arrival of the Dutch and Spanish, and through the early Qing establishment of urban centers, Japan’s relocation of its colonial capital, and the postwar arrival of the Kuomintang government, Taiwan has accumulated diverse historical and cultural legacies amid frequent political shifts and ethnic exchanges, revealing dynamic, hybrid maritime characteristics. Since the Age of Discovery, encounters with diverse cultures—and the subsequent wave of modernization—have not only propelled Taiwan onto the global stage but also sparked an inward cultural turn. This shift has paved a way for a new culture that transcends borders and embodies openness, introspection, and progress. Much like sculptor Huang Tu-shui’s century-old call to create a “Formosa Era,” this call has not faded with time but instead has become a vital beacon in shaping our local identity and intellectual enlightenment.

    Within a framework of binary oppositions—internal versus external, Western versus Eastern, new versus old, nature versus civilization, ruling versus opposition, and the Self versus Other—centuries of Taiwanese art have woven layered history that identifies the possibility of modernization and constantly explores its self-identity throughout the process from conflict to dialogue. To comb through the variations and mixed meanings in this complex process, this exhibition focuses on iconic artists born before 1895 through 1950 and highlights the works regarded as national treasure and significant antiques. By presenting rich cultural heritage and visual artistic essence across a century, the event unveils the overarching context that has shaped both intellectual enlightenment and the formation of subject identity.

    To comprehensively exhibit such vast achievements, this exhibition comprises three phases. The first phase features over 200 exceptional works by more than a hundred artists born before 1950. Organized around eight subthemes, it explores issues such as the collective consciousness within paradigms, the discovery and naming of local identities, the ebb and flow of old and new landscapes, bodily symbols and their era-specific markers, the collision and fusion in cultural territory shifts, self-positioning on the global stage, and self-reflections on the return of the land. By doing so, it underscores the National Museum of Modern Art Tainan (NMMAT) significant mission and the symbolic revitalization of Taiwan as the cradle of its culture—marking a pivotal starting point in reconstructing a new cultural milestone in the “Formosa Era.”

    Cuthbert Collingwood, John Thomson, Ishikawa Kinichiro,Ishikawa Toraji
    Shiotsuki Tōho, Gōbara Kotō, Kinoshita Seigai, Pan Chun-yuan, Lang Ching-shan
    Kobayakawa Tokushirō, Tatara Yoshio, Chen Cheng-po, Dung Tzuo-bin
    Huang Tu-shui, Tsao Jung, Pu Hsin-yu, Wu Mei-ling, Chin Ei-sei, Huang Jiun-pi
    Ju Jiou-ying, Yu Cheng-yao, Jiang Yian, kuo Po-chuan, Lin Ko-kung, Li Mei-shu
    Liao Chi-chun, Tai Chin-nung, Chen Zhi-qi, Li Jin-yu, Yang Qi-dong, Yeh Huo-cheng
    Den Nan-gwang, Hsieh Tsung-an, Lee Tze-fan, Wang Kun-nan, Yang San-lang
    Shen Yau-chu, Wang Pan-yuan, Chang Wan-chuan, Ma Pai-sui, Wang Juang-wei
    Zhen Ming, Chao Chun-hsiang, Chen De-wang, Fu Juan-fu, Huang Ching-cheng
    Jin Chin-bo, Liu Chi-shiang, Chen Ding-Chi, Hung Jue-lin, Lee Chun-shan, Liu Ma× C.W.
    Pu Tien-sheng, Yuan Shu-jen, Chen Ting-shih, Huang Her-hua, Lu Yun-sheng
    Suen Duo-tsz, Chang Yi-shiung, Huang Shui-wen, Lu Ghi-cheng, Chang Kuang-bin
    Cheng Shih-fan, Wong Kun-de, Chang Tsai, Chen Hsia-yu, Huang Ko-chuan, Tsai Tsao-ju
    Ju De-chiun, Liao Te-cheng, Shiu Wu-yung, Chen Chi-kuan, Li De, Chou Ying
    Hsiao Ju-sung, Lee Ming-tiao, Chuang Shih-ho, Shiy De-jinn, Wu Hsueh-jang
    Chen Yin-jye, Wen Ji, Jiang Jhao-shen, Chiang Han-tong, Lai Chuen-chien, Shen Che-tsai
    Yang Yuyu, Chan Fu-yun, Hsia Yi-fu, Tzeng Pei-yao, Lee Tsai-chien, Liu Sheng-jung
    Chu Wei-bor, Ke Shi-jie, Chen Tao-ming, Chu Ke, Cheng Shan-hsi, Ho Kan, Hsia Yang
    Liu Kuo-sung, Li Fang, Richard Lin, Feng Jung-ruei, Liang Shiou-jung, Luo Ching-yun
    Au Ho-nien, Shiao Chin, Fu Shen, Liao Shiou-ping, Lin Chih-hsin, Pan Yuan-sh
    Cheng Sang-syi, Luo Fang, Chen Chung-tsang, Chen Huei-dung, Jang Shu-mei
    Ju Ming, Lee Shi-chi, Liu Gung-yi, Shaih Li-fa, Han Shiang-ning, Lin Hsin-yueh
    Liou Geng-gu, Ni Chau-lung, Ho Huai-shuo, LI Yi-hong, Wang Sin, Yao Ching-jang
    Zhou Cheng, A-Sun Wu, Hilo Chen, Jiang Ming-xian, Li Chung-chung, Tzeng De-biau
    Chang Chao-tang, Haku, Su Fung-nan, Huang Guang-nan, Pu Hau-ming, Daniel Lee
    Kao Tsan-hsing, Chen Shui-Tsai, Chen Yang-chun, Lin Yan, Luo Jen-shian
    Yang Wen-ni, Nian Pi-hua, Yang Chi-hung, Dwu Jung-gau, Huang Buh-ching
    Huang Ming-che, Su Sian-fa, Emily Shih-chih Yan, Hsieh Tong-liang, Lai Chi-man
    Cho Yeou-jui, Juan I-jong, Kuo Ming-fu, Lu Ming-te

    Organizers: Ministry of Culture, Tainan Art Museum
    Curator: Pai Shih-Ming
    Exhibition Execution Team: Curatorial Department of Tainan Art Museum
    National Palace Museum, National Museum of Taiwan History
    National Taiwan Museum of Fine Arts, National Museum of History
    National Center of Photography and Images
    Lingnan Fine Arts Museum of Academia Sinica
    Kaohsiung Museum of Fine Arts, Taoyuan Museum of Fine Arts
    Taipei Fine Arts Museum, Tainan City Museum, Chiayi Art Museum
    Chiayi Branch, Forestry and Nature Conservation Agency
    Ministry of Agriculture, Private Collectors (By stroke order)
    Special Thanks:
    Li Mei-Shu Memorial Gallery, Lee Tze-Fan Memorial Art Gallery
    Lu Yun-Lin Memorial Art Museum, Apollo Art Gallery, Jia Art Gallery
    Mountain Art Foundation, Pu Tian-Sheng Sculpture Memorial Museum
    Yuyu Yang Art Education Foundation, Xi Zhi Tang Gallery
    Kuo Hsueh-Hu Foundation, and Au Ho-Nien Cultural Foundation
    Private Collectors (By stroke order).



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【吾妄之境】The Fantasy Wonderland

日期:2024-11-15 ~ 2025-03-16|台灣,台南市