


  • 展期

    日期:2016-02-05 ~ 2016-05-02

  • 地點

    國立故宮博物院 (台北市士林區至善路二段221號)

  • 國立故宮博物院馮明珠院長昨日(11月5日)在梵蒂岡與教廷簽訂「天國的寶藏─教廷文物特展」借展合約書,正式揭開故宮與梵蒂岡教廷合作辦展的序幕。



    「天國的寶藏─教廷文物特展」將於民國105年2月5日到5月2日在國立故宮博物院105、107陳列室隆重登場,共借出教廷聖器收藏室珍藏的60組件文物,其中包括極為神聖稀珍的〈依地沙耶穌聖容像〉(Mandyllion of Edessa, 3-5世紀),製作極其精美,且於華麗中展現神聖典雅的風貌。展覽計分神聖禮儀(Sacred Liturgy)、禮儀年(Liturgical Year)、祭台(The Altar)、教宗與歷史(The Pope and History)和聖事(Sacraments)等五個單元,援以闡述天主教禮儀與教宗的密切關係,以及天主教發展的歷史脈絡。此外,亦會結合部分院藏天主教在華發展之歷史文獻,使更豐富展覽的面向。

    Director Fung Ming-Chu of the National Palace Museum signed an agreement with the Holy See at the Vatican yesterday (November 5) to bring Treasures from Heaven: A Special Exhibition of Artifacts from the Holy See to the National Palace Museum starting in February of next year.

    Located within the city of Rome, the Vatican City State is unique in the world. The Pope is not only political leader for the Vatican and heads the Holy See, he also serves as God’s plenipotentiary for the Roman Catholic faith around the world. Through the religious head for Catholics, the Pope is likewise a great spiritual leader whose influence remains a potent force for many in today’s society. Materially speaking, the Holy See has also inherited more than two millennia of precious cultural artifacts related to the Roman Catholic faith.

    Liturgy has always been an indispensable part of religion. The Roman Catholic Church, with its rich history and culture, has developed this refined and magnificent set of public services. Catholics continue to find reverence for God, spiritual consolation, and religious doctrine and spirit in these liturgical activities. The special robes and objects used in these services are both great works of art and imbued with deep and sacred meaning. Over the centuries, these have been stored in the collection of the Holy See. Except for the Pope wearing or using them in services over the centuries, they have never been placed on public display before.

    Treasures from Heaven: A Special Exhibition of Artifacts from the Holy See is scheduled to be presented at the National Palace Museum in Galleries 105 and 107 of its Main Exhibition Building from February 5 to May 2 of 2016. Sixty sets of precious objects are to be loaned from the Holy See, including the exceptionally precious and sacred “Mandyllion of Edessa” (3-5th c. AD), which has incredible beauty and a sacred classicism that permeates its splendor. This special exhibition is divided into five sections for “Sacred Liturgy,” “Liturgical Year,” “The Altar,” “The Pope and History,” and “Sacraments.” Together, they elaborate the close relationship between the Roman Catholic liturgy and the Pope as well as the history of the Church. To complement this special exhibition, a select group of historical texts dealing with the Catholic faith in China from the National Palace Museum collection will also be displayed.



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