【赤と青】橫野健一 + 上田風子 雙個展
日期:2011-09-10 ~ 2011-10-02
也趣藝廊 (台北市民族西路141號)
開幕茶會著裝要求 Dress Code 開幕當晚邀請參展人穿著代表上田風子的「藍」或橫野健一的「紅」,共度美麗的藝術饗宴。當晚藝術家由參與者中挑選出五位最佳服裝的參與者贈送精心準備的小禮物,現場更有藝術家橫野健一現場表演,作品先以木刻的方式在日本先刻印好紋路,到台灣現場表演上色製作。
橫野健一展歷遍及歐美,如紐約PULSE 當代藝術博覽會,作品深受歐美人士喜愛。橫野健一跳脫過去既定版畫的製作模式,沒有印製,也沒有反覆印刷,每一個刻板都成為獨一無二的原著。利用紅白相間的極致對比色彩不斷的挑戰觀賞者的視覺感受。
在日本獲獎無數的上田風子,求學期間即榮獲橫濱大賽優秀獎及日本視覺藝術大賽特別獎等。畢業後就以新人之姿舉辦多次展覽,甚至遠赴洛杉磯、西雅圖、波特蘭等地。暨今年年初的個展,隨即又參與Young Art Taipei 與香港藝術博覽會,魅力持續延燒到九月的也趣藝廊。上田風子以維美超現實又細膩的創作風格擄獲眾多愛好者的心。
Red and Blue, a symphony of colors is about to sound in AKI gallery. Fuco Ueda and Kenichi Yokono, two high-profile emerging Japanese artists will their first dual exhibition in AKI gallery. Kenichi Yokono will exhibit a series of his painted block wood cuts which combine fine skill with blood red.
On the contrary, Fuco Ueda uses a lot of blue and green in her paintings, like tears, like blue sea; which tell the story of her imagination and real life experiences and bring us to a fantasy world.
Kenichi Yokono had many exhibition experiences throughout Europe, such as New York PULSE Contemporary Art Fair. His works bring many European and American to attention. Yokono tries to think out of the circle. There is no print but to preserve the wood cut. Every wood cut is unique and original. The ultimate contrasting color red and white are challenging viewers’ visual experience.
In Japan, Fuco Ueda is an award-winner artist. During her study, she won the Award of Excellence competition in Yokohama and Japan Visual Arts Competition Special Award. After graduation, Ueda had many exhibition and gone far to Los Angeles, Seattle, Portland etc. Right after her solo exhibition early this year, Ueda also participate Young Art Taipei and Art Hong Kong fair. The charm last to September in AKI gallery. Her surreal and delicate writing style captures the hearts of many fans.
Form 10th of September to beginning of October, AKI gallery will play a “Red and Blue”, and fantasy art symphony for you.