


  • 展期

    日期:2011-09-09 ~ 2011-10-16

  • 地點


  • 策展人 CURATOR:謝曹閩 Xie Caomin
    參展藝術家 ARTISTS:
    陳斌華(臺灣)Chen Pinhua (Taiwan)
    郭奕臣(臺灣)Kuo Ichen (Taiwan)
    蔡文祥(臺灣)Tsai Wenshiang (Taiwan)
    吳政璋(臺灣)Wu Chengchang(Taiwan)
    程然 Cheng Ran
    陳維 Chen Wei
    厲檳源 Li Binyuan
    陸揚 Lu Yang
    王慧 Wang Hui
    葉淩瀚 Ye Linghan
    楊楠楠 Yang Nannan

    地點 VENUE:TIVAC 台灣國際視覺藝術中心
    新聞聯絡人 Contact Person:
    Serena ,02-2773-8778

    謝曹閩。1974年生於上海。1998年畢業於中國美術學院(文學博士)。2001年畢業於美國薩梵那藝術學院(美術碩士)。2003年迄今任教於美國佐治亞洲立克雷頓大學。謝曹閩近年來一直從事於繪畫和新媒體藝術的創作。他的近期展覽包括"個展—輪迴"美國佐治亞洲當代美術館。"靜態"美國薩梵那藝術設計學院香港分校和"陰影—旅美亞藝藝術家群展"紐約州立大學馬丁慕倫畫廊。他是查爾斯 洛理丹基金會2010--2011年Working Artist Project獎金獲得者。

    Xie Caomin (b.1974 in Shanghai, China) is an Atlanta-based artist, originally from China. He has been teaching and working in the U.S. as a painter and new media artist since 1999. From 1989 to 2000 he studied sculpture and painting in both China at the Academy of Art and Georgia at the Savannah College of Art & Design. He has been teaching at Clayton State University in Georgia since 2003. Xie is the recipient of The Charies Loridans Foundation 2010-2011 Working Artist Project. His recent exhibitions include Samsara-Solo Exhibition, Museum of Contemporary Art Georgia, Atlanta, Georgia, The Still Within, Savannah College of Art & Design Hong kong Campus Gallery and Shadow, Martin Mullen Art Gallery, State University of New York at Oneonta.

    催眠是精神分析師在進行治療的時候, 通過調動人被意識壓抑下的無意識,將蘊藏在人體內潛在的能力發揮出來的一種方法。此次展覽的主題“催眠”旨在以此種的方法去探討隱藏在文化符號下的海峽兩岸當代藝術中的個體性話語。

    Hypnosis is a mental state during the hypnotherapy when the hypnotist unleashed the inner potential of the patient through calling out the repressed unconsciousness by his/her consciousness. Hypnosis, the title also the theme of this exhibition in here is using this method to treat and discuss the individual discourse concealed under the cultural symbol of both Taiwan and Mainland‘s contemporary art.

    As today’s atmosphere, domination of political ideology is gradually weakened and individual consciousness keeps expanding; artistic creativity always is the bond of spirit experience of individuality of artists under unconsciousness. We use the concept “hypnosis” to give a close analyze of varies photographs and video installations works by artists from both sides of the straits; we evade concepts such us geographical or political difference in order to emerge and analyze individual psychological disparity of artists when facing “Culture identity” problems. Here by using this concept to break through their pursuing of imagery of culture identity when artists are in their conscious sphere. Then delve into the underlying individual energy in their unconscious level.
