
TICA 台北原住民當代藝術中心

【月兒說畫 Moon Tale】布農族藝術家依法兒瑪琳奇那個展

  • 展期

    日期:2016-08-20 ~ 2016-10-01

  • 地點


  • 參展藝術家


  • 台灣布農族以「月」持歲時祭儀、月亮相關古典人文的系列作品,以『說故事人』概念引喻畫中有話的內涵,唱出台灣自始原形的生命故事。 「月光」與「樂曲」的主題中彩述傳統靈性教養的美德,與描繪當代布農人生命的蛻變中甦醒月來月美的神話傳說。
    The beauty of rising identity is an ongoing mission with spiritually enlightened sparks to shine paths for self and likeminded fellow sisters and brothers. The pieces in this series reflect the divine ancients and their life experiences showcasing the color of growth and expansion of life as well as conveying artistic personal interpretation of Love as a storyteller.
    個人簡介/About Eval Malinjinnan
    Eval Malinjinnan originally from Taiwan, born to Bunun shaman parents, Eval or Vava now lives in Sydney continuing her vista of voicing for Taiwanese Indigenous heritage in the color of the Mother Nature. The meaningful stories behind Eval’s unique and creative artworks with Bunun twist is hoped to be rested in the viewer’s heart.

    In the “MOON TALE” solo exhibition, Eval presents the Bunun mythological elements with a motif of the Moon-centered Bunun lifestyle and the traditional musical instrument such as hong-hong or mouth-harp, bow string etc as a mean to preserve old time’s beauty.

台北原住民當代藝術中心布農族藝術家月兒說畫依法兒瑪琳奇那Eval Malinjinnan


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