

【僑福芳草地畫廊 2016 KIAF 博覽會 - 展位 Booth A22】

  • 展期

    日期:2016-10-12 ~ 2016-10-16

  • 地點

    僑福芳草地畫廊 2016 KIAF 博覽會 - 展位 Booth A22

  • 參展藝術家


  • 僑福芳草地畫廊 2016 KIAF 博覽會 - 展位 Booth A22
    Park View Green Art / 2016 KIAF Art Seoul


    2016 KIAF 韓國國際藝術博覽會,是芳草地畫廊首度參展,對於韓國首爾我們有許多的期許與想像,期待將芳草地優秀的藝術家,推薦給各界藝術愛好者,本次帶來的藝術家有:傅作新(Fu Tso Hsin)、 侯忠穎(Hou Chung Ying)、洪京澤(Hong Kyoung Tack)、李衡(Li Heng)、李承九(Seung Koo Lee)、夏航(Xia Hang)、任泰奎(Yim Tae Kyu)、由金(You Jin)、鄭路(Zheng Lu),這些藝術家橫跨了中國、台灣與韓國。

    芳草地除了各個畫廊不定期舉辦的展覽、參與國際藝術博覽會,我們也不斷的籌劃具有社會教育意義與增進藝術發展的主題活動。 例如:自2013-2015年分別在摩納哥、莫斯科、北京舉辦的〈鯊魚與人類〉藝術巡迴展,以藝術的力量提倡海洋保育的議題;邀請各優秀藝術家參與的〈芳草地藝術節〉;推薦青年藝術家為主的〈循循展〉;〈美的顛覆—義大利當代藝術的洞見〉義大利當代藝術主題展等等,都不斷的在各個時期與切入點,展現芳草地對於當代藝術的熱切關注,以及展現當代藝術的多元面貌。

    針對本次KIAF芳草地畫廊所帶來的藝術家,有三位藝術家相繼在不同空間舉辦個展 。由金(You Jin) 9 / 02 – 10 / 02 於韓國環形替代空間(Alternative Space LOOP)舉辦《異時空間The View of Heterotopos》個展,( 李衡 (Li Heng) 目前正於芳草地台北畫廊,舉辦《不可避免Inevitabilitu》台灣的首次個展,並緊接著11/06 - 12/18日 舉辦 洪京澤 (Hong Kyoung Tack)個展,屆時歡迎大家蒞臨參觀。

    An international art gallery dedicated to promoting Asian contemporary art, Parkview Green Art (PVGA) has opened art spaces in Beijing, Shanghai, Hong Kong, and Taipei. The gallery's latest space in Singapore is also expected to be launched by the end of the year. Parkview Group takes advantage of the cultural diversity of different regions and the Group's collective resources to expand the international vision of Asian contemporary art.

    The 2016 KIAF marks the debut of PVGA at the art fair. We look forward to visiting the city of Seoul with eager anticipation and vivid imagination. This time, we hope to introduce to all art lovers outstanding Chinese, Taiwanese, and Korean artists represented by PVGA, including Fu Tso Hsin, Hou Chung Ying, Hong Kyoung Tack, Li Heng, Seung Koo Lee, Xia Hang, Yim Tae Kyu, You Jin, and Zheng Lu.

    PVGA not only presents exhibitions at our various art spaces and attends international art fairs, we have also been organizing themed art exhibitions and activities that are socially educational and beneficial to the development of art. For instance, PVGA has consecutively organized the touring exhibition, On Sharks and Humanity, in Monaco, Moscow, and Beijing from 2013 to 2015. The exhibition advocated the issues of marine conservation through art. Other activities include the Parkview Green Art Festival participated by talented artists, Xuan Xuan Group Show that recommends promising young artists, and Challenging Beauty—Insights of Italian Contemporary Art that explored Italian contemporary art through our curatorial efforts. The art activities and exhibitions, at different periods and moments, have all demonstrated PVGA's passion for and the diverse aspects of contemporary art.

    Among the PVGA artists in this year's KIAF, three of them are holding solo exhibitions at the gallery's different art spaces. You Jin's solo exhibition, The View of Heterotopos, is on view at Alternative Space LOOP from September 2 to October 2. Li Heng's solo exhibition, Inevitability, is currently on view at PVGA Taipei, which will subsequently present the solo exhibition of Hong Kyoung Tack from November 6 to December 18. We sincerely welcome all to visit the exhibitions.

    PVGA will present the latest works of our artists in this year's KIAF. Their works respectively demonstrate their understanding of art regarding different issues and topics. Together, they will definitely create a unique visual feast for all.

    Their works respectively demonstrate their pursuit of the artistic life. Some of the works display rich forms, colors, and fun while some convey cultural connotations in contemporary vocabulary. Together, they will definitely create a unique visual feast for all.

    The 15th Korea International Art Fair

    僑福芳草地畫廊 2016 KIAF 博覽會 - 展位 Booth A22
    Park View Green Art / 2016 KIAF Art Seoul

    12-16 OCT. 2016
    VIP Preview 12 OCT.2016

    展場地址: COEX 1F, Hall A & Hall B,
    Yeongdongdae-ro 513, Gangnam-gu, Seoul, Korea 06164

