
福利社 FreeS Art Space


  • 展期

    日期:2016-09-17 ~ 2016-10-15

  • 地點


  • 參展藝術家

    楊茂林 、吳天章、陸先銘、郭維國、李民中、楊仁明 、連建興、賴新龍、唐唐發、涂維政、鄧文貞、朱書賢、常 陵、陳擎耀

  • 蠭起—對悍圖社2016聯展的新展望
    文/白適銘 (國立臺灣師範大學美術系 教授)


    In the history of Taiwanese modern art reforms, painting holds an extremely important position. Above all, the supervision, criticism, or pertinacity of this rigid system result in the making of relatively strong creations that are introverted and spiritual in nature. Since these also come from the bottom rungs of society, it can better reflect actual or potential problems, thus becoming the main driving force for this era’s art movement. As there was a clamping down on painting during the White Terror period after the war, we entered a period of recession, which lasted all the way up to the lifting of martial law. Established in the late nineties, the Hantoo Art Group served as a response to the era’s atmosphere of pursuing democracy and freedom. With the members actively engaging in political, cultural, and historical critical reflection, an artistic accomplishment with profound democratic memorial connotations was achieved. The concept of absolute freedom manifested itself through a “cohesion of swift and fierce temperaments.” The promotion of cutting across the boundary of identity and including dissimilar subjects has already become the core value of this cooperative. During this eighteen-year period of overcoming difficulties, the Hantoo Art Group has not only shown fearlessness during trials and hardships, but also taken the initiative to fight back in a personal or a collective manner. In a Taiwanese society that is market-oriented and gradually losing its cultural identity, they continue to defend community ideals. They expect this growing force to construct a new meaning that is like a holy altar of enlightenment for the sake of the next generation of Taiwanese art.



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福利社 FreeS Art Space

【Prolonged Moments 】馬寧遠個展

日期:2025-02-22 ~ 2025-03-26|台灣,台北市