

【馬銘澤 一瞬.即視 個展】

  • 展期

    日期:2017-07-08 ~ 2017-08-20

  • 地點


  • 參展藝術家


  • 沉澱了近六年的潛心創作,馬銘澤將於2017年7月8日至2017年8月20日在芳草地畫廊·798呈現其首次個展“一瞬·即視”。此次展覽囊括了藝術家近年來的作品,梳理其圖像文本及創作脈絡,由專注於亞洲當代藝術史研究的金美憐女士擔任學術主持。“一瞬·即視”取於“一瞬即逝”,非“逝”而“視” ,意為流逝時光中稍縱即逝的瞬間被捕捉下來。這個過程源於藝術家對社會現象的觀察,日常生活中不斷發生的事情和人類與生俱來的感情,成為馬銘澤繪畫的核心,亦是貫穿整個展覽的線索。


    在充斥著紛繁信息的媒體時代,現代人對於日常生活中不斷上演的事件變得越來越迷茫和麻木。馬銘澤以其細膩的情感和敏銳的洞察將生活中平凡無奇,卻又不可或缺的重要瞬間捕捉下來。她的作品多以單色調去描繪那些反應社會現實的瞬間,在畫面中埋下意味深長的提示,無論是有意識截取的構圖,抑或反复斟酌的角度,都在對核心部分進行突出強調,營造出猶如法國攝影師亨利·卡蒂埃 - 布列松所創造的“決定性的瞬間” - 那些藏匿著真相的日常之事,或充滿了感情,或隱含著暗喻,馬銘澤就像是一個時間和空間的狩獵者,用身體和精神去捕捉這些事件發生的瞬間,並將之在畫布上永恆的定格下來。

    After six years of devotion, Ma Mingze will hold her first solo exhibition “Freeze a Moment” at Parkview Green Art from July 8 to August 20, 2017. With Kim Mi-Ryoung as academic director, whose research focuses on the history of contemporary art in Asia, this exhibition shows Ma’s works of recent years and will give an overview of the image texts and offer an outline of her creative practice. “Freeze a Moment” is derived from “Fleeting Moment” to highlight the otherwise elapsing moments that have been captured in art. The observation of social events makes her following the ordinary happenings and inherent emotion in everyday lives, which becomes the core of Ma’s paintings and serves as the clue to this exhibition as well.

    Centered on “Freeze a moment”, the exhibition divides Ma Mingze’s works into three parts that also serve as three steps leading the audience to the artist’s “theatre of time”. The first represents her budding career when she looked at the world with wonder and curiosity like an on-looker hidden in the dark; the second sees the artist begin to reflect on such issues as society, gender and power structure, while creating as a female artist who uses naturally ambiguous body as a prop, so the on-looker becomes a performer that confronted herself with what triggered her to reflect; the third is characterized with more complete narrative and emotional experience that work to bring forth more complicated practice. She thinks of herself as a stage or movie director who puts well-planned plots and incidents into her stories, absurd, sorrowful, sentimental or passionate, with the haunting anxiety and insecurity pointing to the theme once again.

    In the age of media flooded with a stream of information, modern people are getting more and more confused and insensitive to quotidian details. Ma Mingze, however, captured the ordinary but indispensable moments in our daily lives with her refined sensibility and keen insights. Most of her works use simple colors to depict the moments reflecting social reality and conceal meanings in the tableau by hiding deliberate hints. No matter consciously made composition of a picture or well-reflected point of view all intend to highlight the core of her art. It draws from the famous French photographer Henri Cartier-Bresson’s “decisive moment”, comprising underlying truth in quotidian happenings, which are full of feelings or metaphorical. Like a hunter of time and space, Ma physically captures the moments of these events and mentally freezes them on the canvas forever.

    僑福芳草地畫廊 · 台北
    開幕:2017/07/08 4:00 P.M.
    台北聯繫電話:+886 2 2777-2585
