

【2018香港巴塞爾藝術展】日動畫廊|藤田嗣治 ‧ 熊谷守一 ‧ 流政之

  • 展期

    日期:2018-03-27 ~ 2018-03-31

  • 地點


  • 參展藝術家


  • 香港巴塞爾藝術展
    日動畫廊|藤田嗣治 ‧ 熊谷守一 ‧ 流政之
    預展|2018年3月27- 28日


    藤田嗣治(1886-1968)被譽為二十世紀西方藝術圈中最重要的日本藝術家,他在 1920 年代迅速地以亞洲畫家身分竄起於巴黎畫壇,作品當中精巧描繪的輪廓線條,和獨樹一格的「大白底」用色,獲得國際藝術圈的高度評價,而其結合日本浮世繪與巴黎現代主義的獨特表現,更是奠定他世界級畫家的名聲。

    熊谷守一 Morikazu KUMAGAI(1880-1977)自生涯發展初期便與日動畫廊結識。他總是能在極其平凡的事件與場景中,挖掘出生命與藝術表現的不凡;以簡約的輪廓與飽滿的色彩,創建一套完整而獨特的藝術語言。熊谷晚年受到日本文化勳章表揚,卻選擇謙虛辭退,被譽為日本藝術史上的「畫壇仙人」。

    流政之 Masayuki NAGARE(1923-)二戰時被指派為戰鬥機飛行員。戰後倖免於難的他,將過去製作日本刀的手藝轉移至石雕創作,作品不僅展現藝術家深厚的國學底蘊,同時又彰顯超越文化認同的普世價值。高齡95歲的他,仍持續透過最堅忍的媒材傳遞和平之心。作品廣泛展示收藏於世界各地,並於日動畫廊舉辦數次重要回顧展。


    媒體聯絡人 PRESS CONTACT │李欣潔Emily LEE│0905510653│taipei@nichido-garo.co.jp

    Art Basel in Hong Kong 2018
    galerie nichido|Léonard Tsuguharu FOUJITA ‧ Morikazu KUMAGAI ‧ Masayuki NAGARE
    Booth Number|3D33
    Venue|Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre
    Preview|27 - 28 March 2017
    Public Days|29 - 31 March 2018

    galerie nichido is pleased to present a three persons exhibition showing the works of Léonard Tsuguharu Foujita, Morikazu Kumagai and Nagare Masayuki at this year's Art Basel Hong Kong.

    Acknowledged as the most important Japanese artist working in the West during the 20th century, Léonard Foujita (1886-1968) quickly achieved fame among the school of Paris in the 1920`s as an Asia painter, and with his iconic “grand fond blanc”, he was able to develop a colorful reputation among the international art scene.

    Morikazu Kumagai (1880-1977) is known for his unique style characterized by simplified shapes and contour lines together with bright colors that contains an observational ability akin to that of a scientist and an elaborate production method. His outstanding artistry and personality earned him the name of "a celestial being in Japanese painting community".

    Masayuki Nagare (1923-) was assigned to pilot a Zero fighter plane during Second World War, and decided to apply his sword-making hands to stone after Japan’s defeat. Since then, Nagare developed serial sculptural forms that maintain a firm connectedness to the Japanese sensibility, whilst at the same time reflecting a modernist aesthetic that transcends cultural identity, enabling his works to travel and be celebrated overbroad.

    galerie nichido endeavors to introduce these pivotal artists of Japanese modern art at the most important art stage in Asia to show their relationship with our gallery as well as our own historical timeline. We sincerely invite all art lovers to join us in Hong Kong!



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