日期:2018-08-18 ~ 2019-08-18
臺南之所以迷人,是因為她同時擁有最古老的歷史與最潮的城市美學。2003年由在地居民、公部門與藝術家攜手發動「 海安街道美術館」,以藝術縫合城市傷痕,開啟一連串具實驗性又令人振奮的城市改造,十四年來讓海安路從破碎空間 成為美麗新世界。
2018年的「 街道美術館PLUS」,更納入堪稱府城伸展台的中正路,以「城市伸展台-點亮臺南中正路」與「城市的聲音-輕輕敲響海安路」雙主題,在這大十字路線上佈滿二十多組藝術家為臺南量身打造最貼近城市特質的40件裝置藝術,讓中正路與海安路風華再現,更讓城市生活充滿創意與無限可能。
How many possibilities and creative opportunities are there in a city? Streets in Tainan are not only streets. A street can be a runway, a big clock, or even a museum!
Tainan is fascinating because it combines the beauty of the old and the new. In 2003, the Hai-an Street Museum project was jointly launched by local residents, the public sector, and artists in hopes of using art to heal the city and initiate a series of exciting and experimental urban regeneration projects. Over the past fourteen years, the once fragmented spaces along Haian Road have become a beautiful new world.
In 2018, the STREET MUSEUM OF ART+ project went a step further to incorporate Zhongzheng Road, which is known as the “urban runway”, into the scope. The project centers on two themes:“Sounds of the City – Ringing Haian Road” and “Runway of the City – Light up Tainan Zhongzheng Road”, creating some 40 installation artworks along Zhongzheng Road and Haian Road to reflect the nature of Tainan and revitalize these two roads. With this project, the city will have unlimited creative opportunities and possibilities.
CLAS x 親愛的工作室 / 任大賢 / 有用主張 / 沃手工作 / 林建志 / 盂施甫 / 林建榮 / 林唯哲 / 林靖祐 + 沁弦國際設計 / 姚仲涵 / 禹禹工作室 / 陶亞倫 / 梁任宏 / 范安祺 / 曾瑋 / 超維度互動 / 游文富 / 莊志維 / 蔡坤霖 / 陳彥旭 / 蔡奇宏 / 蔡宜婷 / 選選研
詳情請洽「街道美術館PLUS」官方網站,最新活動資訊請洽「街道美術館PLUS」粉絲頁 。
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