【 國境之藍 - 金子晴彥陶瓷藝術台灣巡迴展 】
日期:2018-10-06 ~ 2018-11-18
金子晴彥 | Haruhiko KANEKO
【 國境之藍 - 金子晴彥陶瓷藝術台灣巡迴展 】
Blue Wave : Ceramic Art of Haruhiko KANEKO
其中一件「碧海油滴天目 —— HEKIKAI Yuteki-Tenmoku」茶碗,深色光面釉底上灑落點點銀斑,將傳統油滴天目工藝淋漓展現,堪稱完美典範。而此件作品中,金子晴彥也忠實呈現了沖繩島海域的瑰麗色彩。
另一件「耀変玳玻天目 —— YOHEN Taihi-Tenmoku」茶碗,其表面於高溫燒製過程中產生無數結晶,當光線照射在作品上時,絢爛的七彩光芒,令人神往陶醉。
在「國境之藍 —— 金子晴彥陶瓷藝術台灣巡迴展」中,觀眾將透過作品,身歷其境般的感受到沖繩無止無盡的波波浪濤拍打於身。從精緻尺寸的陶藝作品上所匯聚反射出的奪目虹光,承載著藝術家想要傳達給觀眾的,那最赤誠的創作初心。
金子晴彥用他的創作熱情,珍惜著石垣島的豐饒自然和海洋之美。同時堅守傳統文化,以從心而出之作驚艷世界。所以,歡迎大家前來「國境之藍 —— 金子晴彥陶瓷藝術台灣巡迴展」。讓我們一起見證傳統與創新相互結合的文化新風貌。
Haruhiko KANEKO established Ishigaki-Yaki pottery in 1999 in Ishigaki Island.
The island is located 1,952km away from Tokyo, 411km south west of the main island of Okinawa. It is surrounded by a lush, green environment and the magnificent ocean of emerald green and marine blue.
Ishigaki-Yaki pieces were inspired by and contain the essence of this nature.
The British Museum acquired the two ceramic tea bowels created by Haruhiko KANEKO in September 2017. They have been on display since the renewal opening of the Japanese Gallery, September 25th 2018.
One of the pieces is called “HEKIKAI Yuteki-Tenmoku tea bowl” and in this example of traditional tenmoku style bowl (silver spots over a black glaze background), KANEKO reflected the beautiful colour of the ocean around Okinawa.
Another piece is called “YOHEN Taihi-Tenmoku tea bowl”. Countless crystals were contained fortunately in the process of its creation and when it catches the light it shines with a dazzling, colourful glow. This lighting show by this bowl is amazing.
At the “Blue Wave” exhibition you will enjoy seeing the endless sea waves of the ocean surrounding Okinawa.
The modest dazzling light from the small ceramics will combine to form large iridescent waves. I hope the light will convey the intentions Haruhiko KANEKO infused into his work directly into your heart.
Ishigaki-Yaki is a pottery style meeting the novel challenge of fusing clear glass and ceramics. Its unique characteristics are the combination of the self -colouring of Ishigaki blue style and the Yuteki Tenmoku style (silver spots over a black glaze background).
Haruhiko KANEKO has worked and will continue to work while cherishing the abundant nature of Ishigaki island and beauty of Okinawa’s ocean. He will continue to protect traditions as well as challenge us with new creations. Do not miss the opportunity to witness KANEKO’s new world.
展覽日期|2018 / 10 / 06 (六) – 2018 / 11 / 18 (日)
展覽時間|週二至週日 10:00 - 18:00
開幕茶會|2018 / 10 / 07 (日) 15:00-18:00
.Exhibition Information
VENUE|Chiayi Haohuas Gallery
ADDRESS|No.616, Zhongshan Rd.,West Dist., Chiayi City, TAIWAN
DATE|2018 / 10 / 06 (Sat.) – 2018 / 11 / 18 (Sun.)
TIME|10:00 - 18:00 Tuesday to Sunday
RECEPTION|2018 / 10 / 07 (Sun.) 15:00 - 18:00
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