

【複調‧眾聲—乍現的圖景 巫日文個展】

  • 展期

    日期:2019-04-06 ~ 2019-05-05

  • 地點


  • 參展藝術家


  • 法國台裔藝術家巫日文,志學之年即師承台灣前輩代表畫家李石樵十數載,展覽蹤跡遍及台灣、美國、法國、義大利、瑞士、荷蘭、波蘭、韓國等海內外各地,包含諸如阿爾薩斯美術館、佩魯日現代美術館、尼姆美術館等法國知名美術館,亦在各國如康乃爾大學等重要頂尖院校、藝文機構、畫廊與雙年展展出。


    此次大觀藝術空間很榮幸邀請旅居法國的巫日文返台展出,巫日文於創作中省思有關存在的議題,由此展開其「吶喊系列」,在塗刷作品的過程中,也受到嚴培明、李希特(Gerhard Richter)、德庫寧(Willem de Kooning)等藝術家的影響。



    展期|2019.04.06- 2019.05.05
    開幕座談|04.06 15:00-16:30


    開放時間|週二至週日(週一公休) 10:30-18:30

    Taiwanese artist Jhycheng Wu studied with master painter Lee Shih-Chiao for over a decade before his move to France. He has exhibited extensively in Taiwan, US, France, Italy, Switzerland, the Netherlands, Poland and Korea, including leading galleries in France such as Alsace Museum of Art, Pérouges Museum of Modern Art, Nîmes Museum, as well as international exhibition venues including Cornell University.

    Having studied with Lee Shih-Chiao who was a student of Kinihiro, Lee graduated from Tokyo Fine Arts School (now Tokyo University of the Arts) and his works see the influences from Impressionism and Cubism. With various master painters as examples and years of studying and working in France, Wu’s working style is unique and aesthetically satisfying.

    Daguan Gallery is very honoured to have invited Jhycheng Wu to return from France for this exhibition. Wu explores one’s existence I life through his paintings and started his “The Howling” series. The brushing and blending of the images indicate the references to artists such as Gerhard Richter and Willem de Kooning.

    The brushworks and techniques applied to Jhycheng Wu’s paintings are visibly definable to the audience. With Wu’s rich intellect and cultural background, he has modestly developed multiple layers of art through varied brushworks and refined skills. Among the flower petals, tree leaves, or even the casual and almost abstract brushes, one could study the connotations to the images and discover a beautiful and boundless landscape. One sees more than pictures in Wu’s works, but abundant and profound images.

    Polyphony and Heteroglossia – the glinting visions of Jhycheng Wu
    Exhibition Duration | 6 April – 5 May 2019
    VIP Preview | Fri 5 April 2019
    Art Talk | Sat 6 April 2019
    Guest Speakers | Jhycheng Wu, Artist
    Professor Chen Kuan-Yi, Department of Fine Art, National Taiwan University of Arts
    Professor Chen Hung-Yi, Doctoral Programme in Art Creation and Theory, Tainan University of the Arts

    Daguan Gallery
    Opening Hours | Tue-Sun (closed on Mon) 10.30 – 18.30
    Address | 16, Lane 69, Jingyeh 2nd Road, Taipei
    MRT | Jiannan Road Station Exit 2 (Mingshui Road), go straight on to Jingyeh 2nd Road then turn right on Lane 69
    Phone | (02)8501-5677



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