【蔡永生個展 「花窺」】
日期:2019-05-06 ~ 2019-06-05
「花窺」 蔡永生個展
展期 | 2019. 05. 06 (一) – 2019. 06. 05 (三)
地點 | GATHER ART 序藝術 (高雄市苓雅區青年二路198號2樓)
開放時間 | 星期一至六, 10:30 - 18:00
| 展覽簡介 |
蔡永生透過花卉拍攝創作表現出自身情感的轉化,他以反轉鏡頭微距深入花間,宛如窺探著花的秘密。 眼前所見是層層堆疊、深淺不一、柔美的紅色曲線, 真實又虛幻的線條自成天地,似崖壁、隧道、煙塵、布幔......此時多數作品已難辨識出是花的局部,形成極端抽象的攝影語彙。
| 創作自述 |
試了好些花: 馬櫻丹、小蒼蘭、玫瑰、康乃馨、桔梗、野薑花、茶花 …。後來發現顏色淺、冷色系、花朵太小的都不太適合,因為缺少了被擁抱的浪漫氛圍。
走 開
然 後
飛 去」
"Flower Peeping" Tsai, Yung-Sheng Solo Exhibition
Duration | May 06 - June 05, 2019
Venue | GATHER ART 序藝術 2F., No.198, Qingnian 2nd Rd., Lingya Dist., Kaohsiung City
Hours | Mon - Sat 10:30 - 18:00
“For creation, I don’t mean to complete it with a fast speed,” said Tsai, Yung-Sheng. With such idea, it takes him almost 10 years to officially publish this work.
When conducting this series of creation, he uses reverse lens to infiltrate the flowers, as peeping their secrets. Level-by-level, uneven dark and light, smooth curves of red come into view. The lines, which seem true but also illusory, build their own world. They are like cliffs; like tunnels; like mists; like curtains…
When diving into the world of red and flowers, he deeply feels that aroma and romance, just like embraced by those petals. Such warmth makes him unendingly revel in the world of flower peeping to this day.
Tsai, Yung-Sheng - Artist Statement
The creations for “Flower Peeping” began in 1998 using a 135 mm camera and a reversed standard lens for macro in order to enter the flowers.
Flying into a flower is like snooping into the secrets in her heart. She whispers, and you enjoy the sweet fragrance and soft sweetness. Yet, when she, who should have been a familiar figure, becomes illusive, she is even more fascinating.
Many flowers were sampled:
Lantana, Freesias, Roses, Carnations, Chinese Bell Flowers, Ginger Lilies, Camellias...
Later, it was found that light colors, cool colors, and small flowers did not go well together, because they lacked the romantic atmosphere of being embraced.
However, it was not easy to develop photos with 135 mm positive film. If there was a slight deviation in the tonality of the photos, the atmosphere would disappear completely.
During the creative period, several developing companies and personal studios were tried. The results were often unsatisfactory. As a result, “Flower Peeping” ceased shooting for a while, although the gentle atmosphere was still intoxicating.
When writing, text was recorded like personal secrets, like a letter that could not be sent, which contained my apology and reluctance to part with the withering her.
'Slowly and closer moving more centered in love,
Truly hearing the flower’s breathing and heartbeat.
And yet she says, “Go away…
Your appearance is all for tender sweetness of the Bright Red.
This beauty cannot endure the heat of passion,
Very soon you will simply fly away.'
view all【無聲的陪伴】郭瀞鎂個展
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