

【老鼠終究仍是老鼠 Rats Will Be Rats 】張允菡個展 Chang Yun-Han solo exhibition preview

  • 展期

    日期:2019-05-01 ~ 2019-06-08

  • 地點

    台北市大安區信義路三段 147 巷 45 弄 2 號一樓

  • 參展藝術家


  • 《老鼠終究仍是老鼠》張允菡個展
    Rats Will Be Rats Chang Yun-Han Solo Exhibition

    展期 Dates: 1 May - 8 June 2019
    預覽 Preview: Saturday 27 April 4-7pm
    展覽地點 Exhibition venue: 就在藝術空間 (10658 台北市大安區信義路三段 147 巷 45 弄 2 號一樓) Project Fulfill Art Space (1F., No. 2, Alley 45, Lane 147, Sec. 3, Sinyi Rd., Taipei 10658)

    座談 Artist talk: Monday 13 May 7:30pm
    座談地點 Talk venue: 在地實驗計畫論壇 (台北市建國南路一段160號7樓)Etat Forum (7F., No. 160, Sec. 1, Jianguo South Rd., Taipei)
    就在藝術空間很榮幸於五月份推出2018台北獎優選藝術家張允菡個展《老鼠終究仍是老鼠》,此展覽圍繞著紐約這座城市而起,卻仍依循著藝術家過往的創作脈絡,描繪當代社會中屬於「人」的感知與存在狀態。展覽預覽訂於4月27日(週六)下午4點,並於5月13日(週一)下午7點半將在 Etat Forum「在地實驗計畫論壇」舉行藝術家座談。




    作品《你是否曾夢見這樣的地方?》則是藝術家於2017年在紐約「Residency Unlimited」藝術家駐村時所製作,擷取了1986年「美國鼠譚」動畫截圖,繪製在紐約各處搜集到不同語言的報紙上。「美國鼠譚」描述一家來自俄羅斯的猶太老鼠飄洋過海抵達紐約,動畫裡的美國是個自由民主、充滿希望與機運的新國度。這些陪伴藝術家童年時期的影像經驗不斷宣揚美國的美好圖像,同時貼合著藝術家成長經驗與周遭對於移民他方的想像,這些過往記憶卻又在紐約生活時被所見的現實樣貌一併攪動。藉由動畫的美好夢想貼合著現實報導,提問著人們的遷徙伴隨著什麼更好的生活想像?

    Project Fulfill Art Space is pleased to present 'Rats Will Be Rats', a solo exhibition by artist Chang Yun-Han, who was awarded with Honorable Mention at the 2018 Taipei Arts Awards. The exhibition revolves around the city of New York, exploring the artist’s continued interest in the perception and existence of humanity in contemporary society. An artwork preview will be held on 27 April at 4pm, and an artist talk will be held on 13 May at 7:30pm as part of the Etat Forum talk series.

    Exhibition Introduction:
    Text by Chang Yun-Han

    New York is a stage for the world’s dreams, offering a distinct consumer culture and heightened capitalism, attracting large numbers of people who migrate there in pursuit of their dreams. The convergence of people stimulates the city and creates its own narrative, which in turn attracts more people drawn by its illusion.

    The exhibition will include Chang Yun-Han’s two-channel video work 'American Dream', originally conceived from the artist’s own writings, she invites a magician and a storyteller to reinterpret the text and create a performance reflecting on the metaphors and feelings the artist has towards New York. The work implies the city’s habitants constantly watching its mesmerizing acts and narratives, although aware that what they see before them is not real, they are nevertheless willing to relish in the enjoyment of the city’s performance. 'American Dream' was first exhibited in 2018 as part of Chang’s solo exhibition New Directions at the Ullens Center for Contemporary Art in Beijing.

    Also exhibited is the series 'Have you ever dreamed of this place?' Consisting of drawings created while Chang was artist in residence at Residency Unlimited, New York in 2017. The work is based on stills taken from the 1986 animated film An American Tail, drawn onto foreign language newspapers collected from across New York. The film follows a group of Jewish mice emigrating from Russia and their journey sailing across the sea arriving in New York. America is portrayed as a free and democratic country, full of hope and opportunity. Such films from the artist’s childhood promoted an ideal image of America, corresponding closely to the artist’s experience growing up surrounded with a positive impression towards immigration. These memories of her childhood were shaken by the reality of what she saw during her time living in New York. By juxtaposing the animated film’s ideal view with the stark reality portrayed in the newspaper articles, the artist raises the question; what kind of better life does migration lead us to imagine?



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