【Chris Evans, 白雙全】雙個展
日期:2019-06-01 ~ 2019-07-28
11268 台北市台北市北投區大業路166號11樓
Chris Evans、白雙全
開幕|2019.05.31(五) 18:00
策展人|周安曼 Freya Chou
藝術家|Chris Evans、白雙全
《Chris Evans, 白雙全:雙個展 》由周安曼策劃、香港Para Site藝術空間與鳳甲美術館共同製作。《雙個展》2017年首展於Para Site,此次台北巡迴將延續香港的展覽架構,推出全新製作。展覽試就人如何與社會關係的索求經驗出發,英國藝術家Chris Evans與香港藝術家白雙全分別將自己置身於不同的社會情境,從個人及集體經驗的轉化來探討人與社會結構之間的互相交涉,在抽象的形式轉化下,藉以誘發個體對應思索社會結構的權力關係,以及對一座城市所販售、寄望的形象進行審思。
合辦單位:Para Site
Two Exhibitions: Chris Evans、Pak Sheung Chuen
Opening|2019.05.31 Fri. 18:00
Curator| Freya Chou
Artist|Chris Evans、Pak Sheung Chuen
Hong-gah Museum is pleased to present ‘Two Exhibitions' by Chris Evans and Pak Sheung Chuen, which include newly commissioned works by both artists. Evans and Pak each reflect on manifestations of power and the complex relationships between citizens and society, albeit in divergent ways. The two exhibitions explore how abstract aesthetics can transform and channel our anxiety about political urgencies and the tedious frustrations caused by the superficiality of urban life, helping us to imagine structures that foster inclusivity and participation, and to anticipate a way in which to respond with clarity to the aforementioned anxieties. The exhibitions premiered at Para Site in 2017 and are curated by Freya Chou. This expanded iteration is co-produced by Para Site and Hong-gah Museum.
Supervisor: Ministry of Culture, Taipei City Government Department of Cultural Affairs
Organized by Chew's Culture Foundation, in collaboration with Para Site
Executive: Hong-Gah Museum