【 Transitional Object 過渡物】吳若昕個展

日期:2019-08-17 ~ 2019-09-11
吳若昕個展 – Transitional Object 過渡物
Ruo Hsin Wu solo exhibition - Transitional Object
展期 Duration Aug 17 – Sep 11 13:30-19:00
開幕茶會 Opening Aug 17 (Sat) 15:00 –
展場Venue 水色藝術工坊 本館 (台南市中西區環河街129巷31號) Mizuiro Workshop (No. 31, Ln. 129, Huanhe st., Tainan City, Taiwan )
水色藝術工坊很開心能與正在英國皇家藝術學院念研究所的吳若昕,共同籌畫這檔駐村創作的計畫,吳若昕的展覽將環繞著倫敦 / 台南兩處,依循藝術家過往的創作脈絡,以創作反芻著移居這兩座城市,所面對的各種熟悉又陌生的生活切片。
藝術家將其意引用為本展覽的創作主題,藉此反應著人的各種存在與感知,為觀者建立一處安棲之所,她認為: 「情感投射的過程中,物件與空間的分界變得模糊,#微小的物件創造出虛擬的安身之所,如嬰兒懷中的安全毯。在心理學中,過渡物是提供心理安慰的物件,特別在異忽尋常的環境中。」
Ruo Hsin Wu solo exhibition - Transitional Object
Mizuiro Workshop is pleased to curate with artist Ruo Hsin Wu, who currently studies Illustration, Visual Communication at Royal College of Art, London, for her solo exhibition 'Transitional Object this summer in Tainan. The exhibition circles around two cities, London and Tainan, where the artist has ever resided, in which the artist continues her exploring upon the everyday life.
‘Transitional Object’ was original referred as an item, usually with soft and fluffy texture such as a blanket or a stuffed animal, to ease the anxiety and provide psychological comfort for children. However, we as adults are also seeking such comfort from not only items but also from sensuous activities such as paintings, writing diary or going for art events, that help stop our negative feeling and help us carry on.
Taking it as the exhibition theme, Ruo Hsin Wu depicts all kinds of human perception and existence from various approaches, setting up for the viewers an emotional escape from daily obstacles. Wu says,“ When we project feeling onto something, the boundary between objects and space becomes blurred, within which a virtual shelter can be created by small and trivial objects such as the security blanket that a baby holds tightly. Psychologically speaking, transitional objects provide comforts to our mind, especially when in strange places.”
吳若昕,1993年出生,2017畢業於國立台北藝術大學動畫系,目前就讀英國皇家藝術學院視覺傳達科系插畫組(Illustration, Visual Communication, Royal College of Art)。
吳若昕的動畫作品於大學時期便展現了相當的企圖心,作品曾受邀至美國、韓國、馬來西亞、科索沃、俄羅斯、德國及日本等地放映參展,近期作品紅格子(RED)獲得2016 臺中國際動畫影展最佳學生動畫、2018新北市美展-數位藝術類 第一名、2018金穗獎入圍;同系列的平面作品於2018KIAF受紐約藏家收藏。
2018新北市美展-數位藝術類 第一名 台灣台北
2017 Les Films de la Toile入選 法國巴黎
2017 Los Angeles CineFest入選 美國洛杉磯
2016《台中國際動畫影展 TIAF》最佳學⽣生動畫 台灣
03/2019 《Visual Forensics》倫敦運河博物館 英國
10/2018《韓國藝術博覽會 KIAF》韓國首爾世貿中⼼ 韓國
06/2018《 藝術家沙發計畫vol. 51》藝聚空間 台灣
12/2016《Taoyuaner》只是光影 台灣
06/2016《北藝⼤第二屆動畫系畢業展》敦南誠品 台灣
12/2017《Chellavision Short Film Fest》美國
08/2017《Little Spotlight》⾺來⻄亞
08/2017《Anibar Animation Festival》 科索沃
05/2017《Creativa Fest》 墨西哥
03/2017《Open World Animation Festival》美國
12/2016《新千歲機場國際動畫節 NCAAF》日本
11/2016《青春有影 台灣⼤大學盃》台灣
11/2016《關渡國際動畫節 KDIAF》台灣
10/2017《SEXiM Experimental Video Festival》澳門
12/2016《ACM Siggraph Asia》澳門
07/2016《Video Party Kyoto》日本
Ruo Hsin Wu (b. 1993) graduated from Taipei National University of the Arts, Taiwan in 2017 with a BFA in animation and is currently studying MA Illustration, Visual Communication at Royal College of Art, UK.
Wu’s animation works have been screened in US, Korea, Malaysia, Kosovo, Russia, Germany and Japan. Her recent work "Red" (2016) received 1st place at Taichung International Animation Festival 2016, 1st place at New Taipei Art Award 2018 and was shortlisted for Golden Harvest Award 2018. Her graphic work from the same series was later collected by a New York collector at Korea International Art Fair 2018.
Now Wu explores her art practice from video to painting, installation or a mix of the above, to achieve different viewing experiences. Her art work is like a breeze, possessing a calm yet tendering quality, whereas many details are embedded, surprisingly corresponding to the viewer’s memory and experience.
Ruo Hsin WU
1993 Born in Taiwan
2017 Graduated from Animation Department, Taipei National University of the Arts, Taipei, Taiwan
2018 Studying at Royal College Of Art-Visual Communication MA, London, UK
▵▵Honors & Awards
09/2018 Best Digital Art Award《New Taipei City Art
09/2017 Semi-Finalist《Les Films de la Toile》/France
01/2017 Semi-Finalist《Los Angeles CineFest》/USA
10/2016 Best Student Film Award《Taichung International
Animation Festival》/Taiwan
▵▵Group exhibition
03/2019《Visual Forensics》London Canal Museum /UK
10/2018《Korea International Art Fair》World Trade
Center /Korea
06/2018《Artist’s Sofa vol. 51》Meet Art Space /Taiwan
12/2016《Taoyuaner》The Light Dance With Shadow
06/2016《The degree show》Dunhua Eslite /Taiwan
▵▵Shortlist of Film Festival
03/2018《Golden Harvest Awards for Outstanding Short
12/2017《Chellavision Short Film Fest》 /USA
08/2017《Little Spotlight》/Malaysia
08/2017《A nibar Animation Festival》 / Kosovo
05/2017《Creativa Fest》/Mexico
05/2017《Backup festival》/Germany
03/2017《 Open World Animation Festival 》/USA
12/2016《New Chitose Airport International Animation
11/2016《The Thirteen International Animation Festival》
▵▵Animation Group Exhibition
10/2017《SEXiM Macau Experimental Video
12/2016《ACM Siggraph Asia》/Macao
07/2016《Video Party Kyoto》/Japan
view all多納藝術
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