


  • 展期

    日期:2014-10-11 ~ 2014-11-30

  • 地點


  • 參展藝術家


  • 那是一個政治戒嚴與文藝興發混雜發展的奇妙時代,人心禁閉卻又奮發、社會戒嚴卻又前衛。

    1950 年代末期發韌、1960 年代達於高峰的「臺灣現代藝術運動」,是戰後臺灣最重要的一波藝術革命。



    這些出發於1950 年末期,成長茁壯於1960 年代以迄70 年代叱吒藝壇、引領風騷的年輕藝術家,歷經半世紀的洗鍊、積澱,如今都已是稱霸一方的巨匠、大師,除已辭世的陳庭詩、楊英風、楚戈外,每一位的創作活力均仍煥發、勁猛。


    此次由知名藝術史學者蕭瓊瑞教授策劃的聯展,首次盛大邀請活躍於60-70 年代現代藝術運動的十四位藝術家參展,將活躍當年的藝術家作品,齊聚一堂,聯合展出,是一次美術館級的大展,也為那半世紀前的歷史風雲,再致以最高的敬意。



    台北藝博VIP晚宴 Art Taipei VIP Night
    11.01 Sat. 19:00 pm
    藝術家|遊牧行星 Nomad Planet 、林經堯 Lin Jin yao
    Abstract performance of sound, light and body

    座談會 Art Forum
    第一場|10.18 Sat. 15:00 pm
    主持人|廖仁義 國立台北藝術大學博物館研究所教授
    藝術家|陳正雄 Chen Cheng-Hsiung
    The Road to Abstract Painting - Six Decades of the Development of Creation

    第二場|11.08 Sat. 15:00 pm
    主持人|廖仁義 國立台北藝術大學博物館研究所教授
    藝術家|李錫奇 Lee Shi-Chi、朱為白 Chu Wei-Bor
    律動/空間 Rhythm/Space

    第三場|11.15 Sat. 14:00 pm
    主持人|廖新田 國立臺灣藝術大學藝術管理與文化政策 研究所教授
    藝術家|廖修平 Liao Shiou-Ping、霍剛 Ho Kan
    媒材/符碼 Media/Symbol

    策展人專題演講 Curator speech:
    11.09 Sun. 14:30-16:30 pm
    策展人|蕭瓊瑞 成功大學歷史系教授
    展覽介紹—藝術家與作品 Introduction to artists and artworks

    版畫工作坊 Printmaking Workshop:
    11.16 Sun. 14:00-16:00 pm
    藝術家|游雅蘭 Yu Ya-Lan

    During the period from the 1950s to 1960s, the Taiwan Modern Art Movement reached its peak. It was the most important revolutionary wave of art in post-war Taiwan. On one hand, it changed the creative atmosphere brought to Taiwan by the colonial Japanese system with the launch of the New Art Movement. On the other hand, it subverted Chinese “realism” as the means to “improve” the traditional thinking of art. Therefore, a big number of art works featuring the concept of “abstract / symbolic / oriental” was produced by many outstanding artists. It was one of the most noteworthy phenomena to happen in post-war Taiwan.

    All of these disruptions in the art world in those years influenced leading young artists, who, during the first half of the century, managed to accumulate lots of wisdom and valuable experience, and now have become art pioneers and masters. With the exception of the late Chen Ting-Shih and Yang Yu-Yu, the creative vitality of the artists is still glowing today.

    A well-known curator and historian of Taiwanese art, Prof. Hsiao Chong-Ray, has gathered fourteen artists, who were creatively active in those years, for a joint exhibition. This exhibition is not only a museum quality exhibition, but it also expresses the highest respect to the historical events that happened over a half century ago.

    Curator: HSIAO Chong-Ray

    Artists: CHEN Ting-Shih, YANG Yu-Yu, CHU Wei-Bor, CHU Ko, LIU Kuo-Sung, HSIA Yan, HO Kan, WU Hao, CHUANG Che, HSIAO Chin, CHEN Cheng-Hsiung, LIAO Shiou-Ping, LEE Shi-Chi, LEE Chung-Chung



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日期:2024-11-02 ~ 2024-12-21|台灣,台北市



日期:2024-10-12 ~ 2024-11-10|台灣,台北市