日期:2019-12-07 ~ 2020-01-22
TKG+ 那從耿畫廊的英文簡寫TKG分生而出的次方 + ,是以亞洲現當代藝術為養份,在豐富的形式美學中建構屬於台灣當代藝術的文化底蘊,TKG+ 在此基礎上推展畫廊產業的可能與多樣,自此藝術創作在畫廊空間中不再只是經濟的展示,更多的是當代藝術實踐與再循環的探索,在畫廊空間的展呈,都是推展當代藝術更多元面貌的契機。TKG+ 自2009年創設以來,期許建構起一個能夠聯繫與吸納多方視野的平台,以此描繪一套台灣當代藝術的基礎面貌,並串連亞洲區域的美學表現。
TKG+ 10週年以PLUS X為題,是延續自TKG+ 的「Plus」系列展。此系列如同TKG+ 的上標 + 所示,在既定的架構中開展新的閱讀視野,以藝術創作為主體進行的脈絡梳理,使商業畫廊的資源不再僅限於市場的交流,而是具備更深層的美學視野,使當代藝術的閱讀得以更具體的參照。商業畫廊的營運是永續而有機的,10年的時間對一個機構而言,已經是一段足以描繪形象的斷代史,TKG+ 透過PLUS X這標題,回顧畫廊機構曾在其複數空間發生的展覽與事件,PLUS X節選13位合作藝術家的作品,多元形式的作品間不僅描述了藝術家的美學關懷,也勾勒了TKG+ 與台灣當代藝術脈絡的交流面貌。
TKG+ 推展台灣當代藝術的10年間,在畫廊機構中的當代藝術展演已然形成一套成熟的機制,然而美學實踐的演進何其有機,畫廊機構與當代藝術的展演將會持續推演另類的型態,儘管如此,觀眾亦能參照脈絡預演未來,而TKG+ 藉PLUS X作為一個階段性的節點回望過去,便是以此指認未來的走向,朝下一個10年邁進。
The “+” symbol in TKG+ signifies an innovative vision born of but differentiated from that of the Tina Keng Gallery, with the purpose of shaping a cultural context that uniquely defines Taiwanese contemporary art, with its roots in Asian modern and contemporary art. Founded in 2009, TKG+ has championed intriguing, emerging Taiwanese and Asian artists in the region for the past decade, thanks largely to the constant support of our artists and collectors. Together we have plumbed the depths of contemporary art practice and seen the possibilities therein. The presentation at the gallery betokens a chance to explore art’s varying facets, spotlighted on a platform that honors diverse perspectives.
PLUS X is an extension of the “Plus” exhibition series at TKG+. Just as the “+” symbol suggests, the “Plus” series traverses new artistic terrains by breaking the shackles of conventional structure. In its trailblazing effort, the series foregrounds art’s intrinsic value, allowing a commercial gallery to stretch its resources beyond the market system and venture deeper into the landscape of aesthetics, shedding light on how contemporary art is perceived. Operating on the goal to sustain in the market economy, ten years is long enough for a commercial gallery to find its voice. Looking back on the events that have occurred in this pluralistic space through the works of 13 represented artists, PLUS X illustrates the artists’ concerns that coalesce into a portrait of TKG+ set against Taiwan’s contemporary art scene.
The past decade has seen TKG+ forging ahead and contemporary art presentation morphing into a mature mechanism. Contemporary aesthetic practice is an organic process that will see the gallery and the presentation of contemporary art continue to evolve. The foretaste of the future comes to viewers nonetheless, as TKG+ looks back on its past with PLUS X as a milestone on a journey that spans more decades and reaches no end.