【歲月靜好 】陳紀椿個展

日期:2020-03-15 ~ 2020-03-28
歲月靜好是對未來的期許,細水長流,平凡安逸,甚至有點卑微。新進藝術家 陳紀椿透過微觀的視角,細膩觀察,超然物外的感受,把生活中的矛盾,種種華美而虛偽,變動中渴望著永恆,表現了如「浮城」般的起伏意象。
藝術家 陳紀椿選擇了傳統的黑白銀鹽攝影當媒介,表達她對現世的看法。透過刻意簡化的形態,細意鋪陳的光影變化,強調被攝物的線條造形,並以安靜的手法近距離拍攝,超比例放大,把現實中的微塵瑕疪同時呈現。繼而發展出一套獨有的藝術視覺,略帶生活的讚美,也有如困在瘋人院的無奈與憤慨。
是次《歲月靜好》攝影展,藝術家 陳紀椿首次發表這年間的攝影成果。與傳媒朋友、藝術同好、對生活有感的朋友一同分享所思所想,並於2020年3月15日下午3時假 亞典藝術書店舉辦開幕茶會,望各位前來指點請教。
Peaceful and relaxed life in years: a long way beautiful expectation to the future, ordinary and happiness, even a little bit abasement. Through a extremely close-up perspective, very detailed observations, and a sense of detachment, artist Chen, Camellia Momo expressed her thoughts and feelings about the inconsistent in daily life: ornate but pretence, an eternity in a state of flux: just like a “floating city”.
“It’s about contradiction and ramshackle.”
Artist Camellia Momo convey her feelings of earthly existence by capture in black-and-white film photographs. Consciously simplify the object, and deliberate and carefully planned lighting and optical effect, which emphasized the sculptured form of the object. Get very close to subject slowly, but project it into a very large enlargement, all the detailed, even the minute dusts were examined under a large magnification. The unique aesthetic snd spiritual vision was presented with praise of life, but also rendered impotent and indignant at the trap of lunatic.
Exhibition “Peaceful, but crazier out there” is the first published project by artist Chen, Camellia Momo. You and all media, art lovers are welcome to join the opening reception at 3p.m. 15th March 20202, Artland Bookstore. She will share her thoughts and ideas with you.
關於 陳紀椿
出生於香港,早年跟隨藝術家 張德煇學習,並擔任張德煇的助教,深受其西方哲學思想影響,同時打下深厚的造形藝術基礎。輾轉回流香港,到最後發現台灣這片土地才是自己的歸宿。去年開始在 視丘攝影藝術學院跟隨 吳嘉寶老師修習影像訊息讀寫,致力於藝術創作,開展第二人生。
更多有關 陳紀椿作品:http://momoimages.com/
Chen, Camellia Momo was born in Hong Kong, learned from artist Chan, Te-Hui, and as his assistant at her earliest life. Chan’s western philosophy were indelibly imprint on her mind, also build up a very strong sense of the forms of visual elements. She now study Photo Literacy Education under Mr. Wu, Jia-bao at Fotosoft Institute of Photography, Taipei. Since 2017, Camellia Momo primarily lived and worked in Taipei, Taiwan, focus on visual and images creation.
More information and works: https://momoimages.com