【包德納 Bernard Bordenave 攝影展】包德納 Bernard Bordenave 攝影展

日期:2020-04-01 ~ 2020-04-14
包德納Bernard Bordenave
1968開始自我學習攝影,並潛心研究大師作品,深受莫蘭迪 (Giorgio Morandi)、Irving Penn、湯伯利 (Cy Twombly) 影響。
Bernard Bordenave was born in southern France, an artist who works with photography, sculpture, painting, and mixed media.
He studied art in Paris, being interested in eastern culture; he decided to move to Taiwan in 1980. He worked as in-house photographer in a few of nature magazines. And his works mostly focus on city culture scene and still photography.
In city culture, he is able to capture the essence of everyday life, such as abstract graffiti walls or mottled old doors and windows.
His still photography is based on antiques he has collected on his travels across the world. Using the balance of their shapes, colors, lines, texture, and cultural significance, he is able to convey his artistic sensibility.
In another field, he also creates wooden reliefs and collages using ready-made objects and wooden board. The style of his work is very minimal and is structured in the rhythm. The composition of how he puts images and symbols together are very subtle. The concept of yin and yang is often shown in his work, which creates the dialogue between full and void. He also puts a lot of attention when working on the texture, and the balancing of colors. In his art, it is not difficult to find that it blends Western geometric abstraction with Eastern aesthetics. His work is very poetic and with a hint of Zen.
1944 ‧ 生於法國
1980 ‧ 定居於台灣
2019 ‧ 靜之華.亞億藝術空間.台北
2019 ‧ 台灣x80年代 台灣法國文化協會.高雄
2018 ‧ Still life 華山.台北
2018 ‧ 亞洲落腳攝影聯展.亞億藝術空間.台北
2018 ‧ OMG 高雄攝影節.高雄
2018 ‧ 台灣x80年代 台灣法國文化協會.台北
2018 ‧ OMG 東華大學藝托邦藝文空間.花蓮
2018 ‧ OMG 亞億藝術空間.台北
2017 ‧ 藝聚空間.台北
2017 ‧ 高雄藝術博覽會.高雄
2016 ‧ 台北藝術博覽會.台北
2015 ‧ 煦利品酒藝廊.台北
2015 ‧ 福爾摩沙國際藝術博覽會.台北
2015 ‧ 居藝廊.台北
2014 ‧ 第四屆台灣攝影博覽會.台北新光三越
2014 ‧ 台北藝術攝影博覽會.華山文創園區
2002 ‧ 天棚藝術中心.台北
2000 ‧ 夢見地中海咖啡館.台北
1999 ‧ 法國在台協會藝廊.台北
1998 ‧ 回留茶藝餐廳.台北
1989 ‧ 巨將藝廊.高雄
1989 ‧ 藝廊.台北
1986 ‧ 達克斯文化中心.法國
1985 ‧ 台南文化中心.台南市
1985 ‧ 美國文化中心.台北
1944 ‧ Born in France
1980 ‧ Settled in Taiwan
1988 ‧ Photography works posted in Chin Show Cultural Enterprise、The Earth Chinese geographic magazine、Traveler、 Peoples of the world、World geographic magazine、Taïwan Aujourd'hui、TOPICS Taiwan Business magazine、Centered on Taipei Magazine
2019‧ Beauty Still-Life, AHM Gallery, Taipei
2019 ‧ Les Annees 80 a Taiwan Alliance Francaise Kaochung
2018‧ Still Life Still Life, Taipei
2018‧ Stay Asia AHM Gallery, Taipei
2018 ‧ OMG Kaohsiung Photo, Kaohsiung
2018 ‧ Les Annees 80 a Taiwan, Taipei
2018 ‧ OMG Artopia Art Space, Hualien
2018 ‧ OMG AHM Gallery, Taipei
2017 ‧ Meet Art Space
2017 ‧ Art Kaochung
2016 ‧ Taipei Art show
2015 ‧ Cellier Wine Gallery
2015 ‧ Formosa Art Show , Taipei
2015 ‧ G. Gallery , Taipei
2014 ‧ Taiwan Photo Fair
2014 ‧ Taipei Art Photo Show
2002 ‧ Tian Pone Gallery ,Taipei
2000 ‧ Café Nostra , Taipei
1999 ‧ French Institute, Taipei
1998 ‧ Hui Liu Tea House, Taipei
1989 ‧ Chu Chiang Galler, Kaohsiung
1989 ‧ Sunny Gallery, Taipei Sunny
1986 ‧ Cultural Center ,Dax city, France
1985 ‧ Cultural Center ,Tainan
1985 ‧ American Cultural Center ,Taipei