

【後真實 Post Truth - 喬治.伯恩亞洲首展】Post Truth: George Byrne Asia Premiere

  • 展期

    日期:2020-03-08 ~ 2020-04-05

  • 地點


  • 參展藝術家

    喬治.伯恩 George Byrne

  • 後真實 Post Truth - 喬治.伯恩亞洲首展
    Post Truth: George Byrne Asia Premiere

    藝術家 Artist | 喬治.伯恩 George Byrne
    開幕茶會 Opening Reception | 03.08.2020 Sun. 3 p.m.
    展期 Duration | 03.08.2020 - 04.05.2020
    地點 Venue | 紅野畫廊 Powen Gallery(台北市中山區松江路164巷11號,10:00-19:00 週一休館 Closed on Mondays)

    畢業自雪梨藝術學院,現居於美國洛杉磯的喬治.伯恩(George Byrne),擁有藝術家、歌手及演員等多重身分。曾獲澳洲年度青年攝影師頭銜殊榮(The Australian Young Photographer of the Year),作品登上Robb Report、ICON等雜誌封面。自2011年定居洛杉磯起,便愛上了當地的城市景觀,這座天使居住之城,也成為他創作主軸的靈感來源。

    「洛杉磯與我在對的時間成為了絕佳的拍檔,像是和這裡的景色談戀愛般,我渴望拍下一切,沒有其它壓力,純粹由心而生,從來不知道這會引領我至何處。」— 喬治.伯恩 (George Byrne)

    受到自身藝術背景及美國70年代中期出現的新地景攝影(New Topographics)概念的影響啟發,喬治.伯恩的創作以人造景觀作為主要拍攝對象,運用物件與建築線條的巧妙重組,融入陽光的粉彩色調,讓他的作品畫面給人一種秩序和詩意揉合的美感。於想像中再造的全新地景空間、都會裡的意識綠洲,透過拼貼(Collage)和重組過程,充滿後現代性的氛圍及感染力。

    Post Truth: George Byrne Asia Premiere

    Artist | George Byrne
    Opening Reception | 03.08.2020 Sun. 3 p.m.
    Duration | 03.08.2020 - 04.05.2020
    Venue | Powen Gallery ( No.11, Ln. 164, Songjiang Rd., Zhongshan Dist., Taipei City 104, Taiwan / 10:00-19:00 Closed on Mondays )

    Graduated from Sydney College of the Arts, and currently living in Los Angeles, USA, George Byrne possesses multiple identities as an artist, singer and actor. He was awarded the Australian Young Photographer of the Year, and his works appeared on the cover of magazines such as Robb Report and ICON. Since settling down in Los Angeles in 2011, he has fallen in love with the local urban landscape, and this city of angels has also become the main source of inspiration for his creation.

    “ With LA and I, it was just a great match at a great time. I was eager to shoot and had no pressure to do it. So the love affair with the landscape was pure of heart. I had no inkling it would ever lead to anything. “ — George Byrne

    Inspired by his artistic background and the concept of New Topographics that appeared in the United States in the mid-1970s, George Byrne uses artificial landscapes as the main subject of his photographic works, utilizing clever reorganization of objects and architectural lines, and blending in the pastel shades of sunlight to his creations, which gives his works a mixed aesthetic sense of order and poetry. Through the process of collage and reconstruction, the new spatial landscape recreated in imagination and the conscious oasis in the metropolis are filled with the atmosphere and appeal of postmodernity.

紅野畫廊喬治.伯恩後真實Powen GalleryGeorge Byrne


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