


  • 展期

    日期:2020-04-11 ~ 2020-05-31

  • 地點

    赤粒藝術 106台北市大安區大安路一段116巷15號

  • 參展藝術家


  • 文/賴永興Lai Yun-Hsin 國立台灣藝術大學雕塑學系系主任


    賈克梅蒂(Alberto Giacometti,1901~1966)在觀察物體時,經常連周遭的環境也一併納入,致使作品尺寸逐漸縮小,在第二次世界大戰期間他熱衷於製作小至3~5公分的迷你作品,這是大師對空間與作品大小的尺寸探索,讓觀者在觀賞他的小作品時,能感受到巨大的能量。


    Little Big Things – International Shoebox Sculpture Exhibition
    Article/ Lai Yun-Hsin, Director of the Department of Sculpture, National Taiwan University of Arts

    For human eyes, it is easy to gain a full picture of a small sculpture, which entices viewers to take a closer look at the details. When viewed at a closer distance, it fills their vision to the brim, with the surroundings fading into oblivion. By allowing a more intimate interaction with the work, this viewing experience enables the viewers to probe its inner world. The sculptor’s creative philosophy lying beneath will come to the surface through the formal materials and expression methods, pulling on the heart strings and resonating with the viewers.

    Alberto Giacometti (1901~1966), who often observed objects based on their relationship to the surroundings, gradually scaled down the size of his works. During WWII, he devoted himself to making shoebox art pieces as small as three to five centimeters in diameter, which bears witness to the master’s exploration of the space and size of artistic works. The viewers can feel the energy in full force when appreciating his small works.

    This exhibition boasts a collection of remarkable artworks from the 10th International Shoebox Sculpture Exhibition held by National Taiwan University of Arts. They are contributed by the full-time and part-time faculty and alumni of the Department of Sculpture, as well as teachers from the sister schools in Japan and mainland China. All with a professional training background, they showcase virtuosic craftsmanship in the masterpieces. As sculptors from Taiwan, Japan and mainland China, they also manifest characteristics uniquely of their own. The exhibition also involves, for instance, French and French-based artists who have been working with Red Gold Fine Art[JS1] . With more than eighty exhibits, it is a feast for the eyes with a miscellany of creative materials, and richly diverse methods of expression.

    Extreme smallness equals largeness, and small things can contain large ones. As extreme largeness is akin to smallness, from large things emerge the small ones. Despite its relative smallness in actual size, a remarkable shoebox sculpture can reach an infinite magnitude in its innermost being.

赤粒藝術極小同大國際袖珍雕塑展 賴永興雕塑


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日期:2025-01-10 ~ 2025-03-02|台灣,新北市

45 days left