

【無有】王璽安 個展

  • 展期

    日期:2020-04-11 ~ 2020-05-16

  • 地點


  • 參展藝術家


  • 王璽安近作多嚐試在畫面或是物體上,進行開放的想像,想像也是對現實的脫離,好似藝術來自對現實的反映,反映也包含了脫離。繪畫的主題多關於空間的穿透,王璽安以一種雕塑般的增減關係去營造畫面或是物件,畫布或是創作的物質,從現成物的繪畫媒介轉化成了想像的宇宙,在宇宙中想像無限,這對比著我們有限的生活,也是藝術家近期藝術創作的母題(Motif)。


    Sean Wang’s recent paintings and object-based works explore an openness of the imagination, an imagination that creates a departure from reality. His art practice examines this reflection of reality as the source of art, a reflective process that contains a form of separation. A central theme within his painting is the transcendence of space; using a sculptural approach to his art practice, Wang applies the relationship of adding and subtracting to create the imagery and objects within his work. The canvas itself and his creative materials, are transformed from ready-made painting mediums into an imagined universe. The infinite dimensions of the universe contrasts against the limitations of our daily lives, which forms the reoccurring motif within Wang’s work.

    The scenery or materials that are collected through our everyday lives seem to exist within our peripheral vision, we can see them, but the nature of these things eludes our understanding, like the momentary flash of a meteor, visible yet invisible. In recent years, Wang’s art practice reflects on the intangible. Painting or artistic creation have an inexplicable fascination with these experiences directly, much in the way life and all the unknown possibilities that it contains, evokes an anticipation within us. These empty, unfilled spaces form the existence of the universe or a diffusion of space, where imagination is the materialization of reality. Within Wang’s distinctly bold yet finely detailed works, his imaginative narrative oscillates between the tangible and invisible, densely concentrated yet permeates its existence.

    開展 Opens|2020.04.11 - 11am
    座談會 Artist Talk | 2020.05.09 - 3pm
    與談人 Guest | 徐明瀚 Austin Hsu



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