日期:2020-05-23 ~ 2020-07-05
「臨界點,是人類開發自然的極限,逾越即意味著毁滅,在時代的洪流中,個體或許感知不到他的劇變,但想想看人類對地球的壓力繼續上升到前所未有的水平,那將會是怎樣的一個畫面。」— 陳英杰寫於佛山工作室(2020年4月25日)
白石畫廊台北空間隆重呈獻中國藝術家陳英杰的全新作品展《臨界點》,展出藝術家12幅全新作品。今次將會是陳英杰於台灣的首次個展,也是首次與白石畫廊合作。展覽將展出〈自然重力〉、〈隱雲龍〉等不同系列的壓克力畫布及紙本作品。值得注意的是,〈自然重力〉系列及〈塗鴉世界?的中國山水〉均是藝術家於新冠肺炎疫情期間所創作的,並從社交隔離(Social Distancing)中汲取靈感,反思大自然與人類之間的失衡關係。
陳英杰的畫作結合了東方水墨與西方塗鴉,以直接的創作手段表現出澎湃激烈的情感。他拋棄了東方傳統水墨畫中使用的畫筆,大膽使用西方顏料如壓克力和噴漆,以潑墨、噴塗等方式繪畫出張揚的色彩和狂放的線條,表現出創作時身體即興且隨意的自由運動,藉此詮釋出當代山水意境。在〈塗鴉世界?的中國山水〉(Chinese Landscape in the Graffiti World,2020)中,藝術家更加入螢光顏料進行創作,而配合紫光燈在黑暗中的展示將進一步突顯中西共融的精妙張力。
陳英杰於1991年出生於中國佛山,並生活與工作於此,畢業於新加坡萊佛士設計學院(Raffles Design Institute Singapore)平面設計。他曾於世界各地參展,包括巴黎、倫敦、香港、上海、北京及新加坡。除了即將開幕的台北展覽外,他同時在比利時布魯塞爾馬澤爾畫廊(Mazel Galerie)舉辦個展《自然平衡》,而其作品〈刺穿束縛 — 中國龍系列02號〉目前亦於蘇富比香港展覽《趣雅東方》展出。收藏陳英杰作品的博物館及機構包括美國檀香山當代博物館、世界自然基金會香港分會、新加坡凱德集團。國際知名品牌如卡地亞(Cartier)、汎德(BMW)及路易威登(Louis Vuitton)等亦曾邀請陳英杰聯名合作。
Title|Critical Point: Chen Yingjie Solo Exhibition
Dates|May 23 - July 5, 2020
Opening|May 23
Venue|Whitestone Gallery Taipei, 1F, No.1, Jihu Rd., Neihu Dist., Taipei City, 114, Taiwan
"Critical Point is the limit of humanity's development of nature. Exceeding means destruction. In the torrent of times, individuals may not be able to perceive his upheaval, but think about social pressure on the earth continues to rise to an unprecedented level. What a picture." — Chen Yingjie
Whitestone Gallery is honored to present Critical Point, a solo exhibition of new paintings by Chinese artist Chen Yingjie. On view at the gallery's Taipei location, this exhibition marks his debut solo presentation in Taiwan. The show will introduce 12 new paintings from the series of 'Gravity' and 'The Dragon Hidden in the Clouds'. Notably, 'Gravity' and the work 'Chinese Landscape in the Graffiti World' were created during the pandemic, in which the artist was inspired by the imbalance relationship between nature and human.
Combining Chinese ink and western graffiti, Chen's paintings express a range of surging emotions with a direct creative method. Not only he has abandoned the brushes used in traditional Chinese ink paintings, then boldly apply Western paints such as acrylic and spray paint, but has also adapted splashing and spraying techniques into his work. The spontaneous body movements are fully demonstrated through the use of flashy colour and wild lines, illustrating his unique interpretation of contemporary Chinese landscape. The artist has also added fluorescent paints in his work 'Chinese Landscape in the Graffiti World', and with the display of purple lights in the dark, it has further enhanced the delicate tension of Chinese and Western cultural integration.
Chen Yingjie was born in 1991 in Foshan, where he continues to live and work. He graduated from Raffles Design Institute Singapore. His works have been exhibited in many cities, including Paris, London, Hong Kong, Shanghai, Beijing and Singapore. Besides the upcoming exhibition in Taipei, The Balance of Nature is his current exhibition in Brussels, held by Mazel Galerie. His work 'Breaking - Loong Series II' is also on view at the Sotheby's Hong Kong Gallery through May 22. Chen's works have been the subjects of prominent collection internationally, such as the Contemporary Museum of Honolulu, WWF Hong Kong, CapitaLand Group Singapore, etc. Chen has collaborated with luxury brands such as Cartier, BMW, and Louis Vuitton.
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