【打撈】曾上杰、吳耀庭、林安常|三人木雕聯展|開幕 5/24(日) 15:00

日期:2020-05-24 ~ 2020-06-13
展 覽 | 打撈 | 三人木雕聯展
藝術家 | 曾上杰、吳耀庭、林安常
展 期 | 2020.5.25 (一) - 2020.6.13 (六) 週日公休
開 幕 | 2020.5.24 (日) 15:00 開幕&藝術家座談
講 座 | 2020.5.30 (六) 15:00 藝術講座:神雕手-主講人 胡耿溢
地 點 | 福溢畫廊 FU-YI Gallery | 高雄市三多二路 63 號
這片海深不見底 裡面有太多的養分
船開了一段時日 沒翻 搖晃 早已習慣
我們都是船長也都是漁夫 父親告訴我們:「出海就得自給自足 」
綠的 藍的 黑的
若是看準目標 就打撈 秤秤斤兩
福溢畫廊誠摯邀請您蒞臨《打撈》,觀賞這三位 90 後台灣藝術家所開創出的全新視野,突破傳統木雕框架,呈現多元且具時代意涵的打撈寶物。曾上杰擅長雕刻與上色重複疊加,以表現時間性與速度感,回應所處的時代並記錄著周遭,而望著遠方的作品眼神總是留給觀者不少想像空間;吳耀庭找到了潛水與冥想精神上的共通性,擅長具象寫實的他以自身走訪過敦煌石窟的經驗,將石窟壁畫與潛水姿態相結合,創造出本次展覽的作品;林安常以人與動物結合做為表現手法,藉著兩者的某些相似或矛盾點,陳述內在的嚮往與外部的壓力同時兼併的狀態。
Exhibition | DA LAO | Wood Carving Trio
Artists | Tseng Shang Jie, Wu Yao Ting, Lin An Chan
Duration | 2020.5.25 (Mon)-2020.6.13 (Sat) Sunday off
Opening | 2020.5.24 (Sun) 15:00 Artist Forum
Lecture | 2020.5.30 (Sat) 15:00 Art Lecture:God Sculptor-Speaker Hu Keng Yi
Venue | FU-YI Gallery | No. 63, Sanduo 2nd Rd., Kaohsiung City, Taiwan
FU-YI Gallery sincerely invites you to DA LAO, an exhibition provides a brand new aspect in woodcarving. Presented by three post-90s Taiwanese artists, their endeavour in breaking through traditional craftsmanship brings us to discover the diverse and timeless treasures. Tseng Shang Jie is good at carving and repetitively overlaying colors, expressing time and speed, responding to the times and recording the surroundings, and the eyes of the works looking at the distance always leave a lot of imagination space for the viewer; Wu Yao Ting found diving Common in spirit with meditation, he is good at figurative realism. With his own experience of visiting the Dunhuang Grottoes, he combined the grotto murals with diving postures to create the works of this exhibition; Lin An Chan uses the combination of humans and animals as the expression method Through some similarities or contradictions between the two, state the internal aspire and external pressure to merge at the same time.