

愛的所有形式 – 金銀花, 雞冠花, 蠟菊, 莧花, 尤加利花與果實 {A Thousand Ways to Love }

尺寸:76.2x91.4 cm



NT$ 715,800



  • 分期數


  • 3期 利率0%

    NT$ 238,600

  • 6期

    NT$ 122,990

  • 12期

    NT$ 62,789

  • 運費:NT$ 600

    {愛的所有形式 – 金銀花, 雞冠花, 蠟菊, 莧花, 尤加利花與果實}

    A Thousand Ways to Love – Acorn Banksia, Eucalyptus, Amaranthus, Celosia Cristata and Yellow Everlastings (2023)

    76.2cm x 91.4cm x 3.5cm. 壓克力顏料/畫布/原畫


    {Award Update}

    Jan 2024 – A Thousand Ways to Love (2023) has received an award as the Highly Commended artwork in The Victorian Artists Society SUMMER EXHIBITION.

    Award ceremony Vlog: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1G0dFqH6HJE


    Press and Media Coverage:

    1.*Jan 2024–Artist Hsin Lin’s solo exhibition Blossoms of Life is featured on Victorian Artists Society News.

    2.*Jan 2024–Migrant artist inspired by Australian flowers. HSIN LIN interview. Published by AMES Australia.

    3.*Jan 2024–Director Lu Visits VAS to attend the Exhibition ' Blossoms of Life' by Renowned Australian artist Lin Hsin. Published by Taipei Economic and Cultural Office, Melbourne, Australia.



    為了紀錄四季變遷,我有畫下周圍第一支花的習慣. 這幅原畫靈感來自我於一場個人畫展時收到的花束. 開幕式當晚,到達展場時,意外地看到了一束巨型的花束.澳洲本土的花種充滿了一種木質的香氣, 因為都是當季的花朵, 所以都綻放著強大的生命力. 因為不是自己安排中的配置,所以非常驚喜.


    這時畫廊經理才告訴我, 這束花是我好幾年沒見,遠在海外的家人偷偷安排的. 為了瞞著我當作驚喜,眾人隻字未提花束的事. 家人的精神支持, 當下緩和了因為即將開始要開幕致詞的緊張.

    晚會中,這束花不停吸引參觀者與收藏家的目光,花束裡的花正好也都是常出現在我主系列的花種. 個展展期過後, 我也把該束花做成乾燥花, 至今仍陳列在我的畫室裡. 每天都能見到它. 那是我永遠會記得人生中美好的一刻,也是永遠放在心裡的美好回憶.

    如果靜下心仔細觀察,也許我們會發現身邊的人們默默地用著不同的形式表達愛與關心 . 而行動是表達愛的最佳形式, 就算沒有說出口,也最深刻,雋永. 以之為命名這幅畫 -愛的所有形式.


    畫面中間的主角- 澳洲金銀花,又稱班克木 . 歷年來我醉心於研究過眾多柔美細緻的花種,卻始終對於這種強壯的木質屬的植物情有獨鍾. 這種灌木屬的某些種類有個非常特殊的特性-種子透過山林大火燒裂外殼後,種子蹦出後傳播. 澳洲的森林大火幾乎每年都有,但也延伸出各種因應嚴苛環境狀況的特有土生植物. 這種特殊的傳播方式讓我聯想到浴火重生的意境. -現在遇到的挑戰或是困難, 會帶來全新的未來.

    雞冠花的花語是真摯永恆的愛。而尾穗莧花(Amaranthus)也有長壽, 永生的意思. 名字中希臘字根“unfading”- 不褪色, 來自於其花鮮豔美麗的顏色可以維持好幾周不退的特性.

    左上角的黃色與粉色蠟花Yellow Everlasting, 又名Yellow paper daisy. 有著浪漫名字的蠟花,花語有「忠貞的愛」, 「純真」,與「初生的生命能量」之意. 收到蠟花作為禮物時,有著希望為對方帶來好運的意思.

    而我最喜愛的尤加利花與果實有[療癒] 與[ 保護] 的靈性意義. 優雅狹長的葉片很適合用於花藝增添層次.


    畫面呈現了不同植物各種階段的綻放- 有果實,有前蓋張開一半綻放中的尤加利花,有花苞,甚至是花的背面, 乾燥的金銀花, 與畫面中盛開的各種花朵. 花朵綻放的姿態有如人生中各種階段,與各種不同的愛的形式, 每個型態都是無可取代的美麗與珍貴.


    本作品從2022年底開始創作,整幅作品耗時長達12個月,於2023 12月完工. 藏家可以從以下連結觀看創作全過程的縮時攝影-



    大尺寸原畫完美呈現細膩的細節, 適合客廳, 玄關,大堂, 會議室等主要位置, 歡迎與這幅原作有緣的藏家收藏.


    Solo Exhibition :

    11 - 22 Jan 2024 - HSIN LIN Solo Exhibition- Blossoms of Life at VAS McCubbin Gallery. Invited by The Victorian Artists Society.



    旅澳得獎畫家HSIN LIN /林昕. 主攻當代花卉靜物.




    {Award Update}

    Jan 2024 – A Thousand Ways to Love (2023) has received an award as the Highly Commended artwork in The Victorian Artists Society SUMMER EXHIBITION.

    Award ceremony Vlog: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1G0dFqH6HJE


    {Press and Media Coverage:}

    1.*Jan 2024–Artist Hsin Lin’s solo exhibition ‘Blossoms of Life' is featured on Victorian Artists Society News.

    2.*Jan 2024–Migrant artist inspired by Australian flowers. HSIN LIN’s interview. Published by AMES Australia.

    3.*Jan 2024–Director Lu Visits VAS to attend the Exhibition ' Blossoms of Life' by Renowned Australian artist Lin Hsin. Published by Taipei Economic and Cultural Office, Melbourne, Australia.


    Original artwork info:

    A Thousand Ways to Love – Acorn Banksia, Eucalyptus, Amaranthus, Celosia Cristata and Yellow Everlastings



    Artist Acrylic on Acid-free stretched gallery-wrapped canvas. Signed at the front and ready to hang.

    Artwork painted extends to all side panels.

    D rings and wire are attached at the back.

    Comes with a certificate of authenticity.

    Sealed with clear varnish spray.

    76.2cm (W) x 91.4cm (H) x 3.5cm (D)


    Affirmation: While there are a thousand ways to say I love you, my strongest love language is always acts of service.


    To experience the seasons, it has become a routine of mine to paint the first bloom around my surroundings, during its flowering season.

    This is my depiction of the gorgeous bouquet that was gifted to me by my family and family members overseas as a surprise, during the opening night of my solo exhibition - Bloom Like Flowers, presented by Maroondah City Council at Maroondah Federation Estate Gallery. (Melbourne, Australia) Even the galley curators kept a secret till I saw a large, breathtakingly beautiful bouquet with the crowd during the opening.


    I was overwhelmed by a surge of various emotions. Words could not describe how happy and grateful I am for all the love and support I received. Sometimes the strongest love may be left unsaid but presents itself loudest in action.


    All the native blossoms bloom gloriously. A precious memory that I will cherish forever. Therefore, I have the title - A Thousand Ways to Love, to say I love you, for this particular artwork.


    I started this artwork around Dec 2022. It’s been a long journey, sunny days and rainy days. To depict the different textures of those special native flowers correctly, somedays I even had to start all over if I wasn’t satisfied with the outcome the day before. Some of the tepals are velvety, some are furry, and some have woody, rough surfaces or relatively firm textures.

    The process wasn’t an easy task but It’s a challenge that I always enjoyed. The flowers I painted during day sometimes appear in my dreams. After 12 months of production time, I finally had it completed on Dec 2023.

    Here I present you the latest piece from my award-winning/signature series -Bloom like Flowers.


    BANKSIA prionotes, a species of shrub or tree of the genus Banksia in the family Proteaceae, also known as Acorn Banksia or Orange Banksia. In the Language of Flowers, Banksia symbolizes rebirth, regeneration and new beginnings.


    Amaranthus, with tiny flowers blooming in cascading clusters creating a weeping effect, is considered a symbol of immortality due to its longevity.

    The name Amaranthus came from the Greek “amarantos”, meaning “unfading”, which also describes the vivid colours of the flowers that can last for weeks while on the plant.


    Dracula Celosia, formerly Celosia cristata, also known as cockscomb, is the crested variety of the species Celosia argentea.

    The unusual shape and richly-hued blooms of the flower is not the only reason why it stands out, it’s also believed that celosia is a good omen.

    Celosia is a symbol of boldness. If you want to wish someone courage, gifting Celosia to the person you care about will send the right message. Celosia flowers also stand for affection, love, individuality, partnership, resilience, and strength.


    Yellow Paper Daisy, also known as Sticky Everlasting, Shiny Everlasting, or Golden Everlasting.

    Yellow Daisy stands for youthful beauty and gentleness. Some people look at the daisy to be a symbol of good luck. However, the most popular meanings attached to the daisy are - loyal love, innocence, and purity.

    As for my all-time favourite - Eucalyptus flowers and gum nuts stand for Healing and Protection.


    Flowers always bloom in their own time without competing with other flowers. May we all bloom in our time in the best season. Hope you enjoy this artwork of mine.

    Artwork inspired by nature in Ringwood, Australia, Summer 2023. -HSIN LIN


    Enjoy the time-lapse video of this artwork please visit:



    -Bloom like flowers -

    Hsin Lin’s series Bloom Like Flowers explores the process of blooming and our connection to nature.

    The signature series features meticulously detailed acrylic paintings that celebrate native and common flora and wildlife and highlight the ecologies and habitats that support and connect them.

    Hsin Lin’s professional background in fashion design informs her skill and ability to capture the organic textural details of these subjects. Through sensitive observation and illustration every petal, facet or filament is rendered on canvas.


    Solo Exhibition :

    11 - 22 Jan 2024 - HSIN LIN Solo Exhibition- Blossoms of Life at VAS McCubbin Gallery. Invited by The Victorian Artists Society.

    Exhibition Vlog : www.youtube.com/watch?v=GBbQxX5zfGU



    22nd- 30th June 2024 Camberwell Art Show.

    26 Jan– 5 Feb 2024 VAS SUMMER SELECT EXHIBITION at The Victorian Artists Society.

    Subject:靜物 花草  色塊 

    Style:具象 寫實 葉子 


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