運費:NT$ 800
台灣的古厝在外觀上延襲了當地的建築美學;在意涵上,傳承了台灣人堅強樸實、不屈不撓的精神,同時孕育了古往今來多少的傳奇人物。 而現今古厝的保存與更新,承襲了台灣人的優良傳統,更以開放的方式,歡迎全世界體驗台灣的精緻與在地文化!
The outlook of Taiwanese ancient buildings has inherited from the aesthetics of local architecture; in connotation, they also convey the Taiwanese peoples strong, plain and indomitable spirits. Meanwhile, the ancient buildings have bred a wealth of legendary celebrities since times immemorial. Moreover, the preservation and the renovation of current ancient buildings are not only inherited from the outstanding Taiwanese tradition, but we also welcome the globe to experience the elaborate and local Taiwanese culture with a much more open mind.