運費:NT$ 250
*本圖參加2018台灣台中《繪台灣》個展《Taiwan Beauty》Solo Art Exhibition和2021年美國Mellow Art Award US
澎湖縣七美鄉的雙心石滬是由兩個石滬所搭成的心型,石滬原本是沿海漁民用來捕魚的陷阱,但是心型頭尾相接,心心相印,彷彿像兩個戀人般相依相偎,十分浪漫. The Double-heart of Stacked Stones is a stone weir located on the north side of Qimei Township, Penghu County, Taiwan. It is a well-preserved ancient fish trap made by stacking stones to form a trap that resembles a twin-heart. Many couples believe that they are blessed once they visit here.