運費:NT$ 350
*本圖參加2018年台灣台中《繪旅行》個展《Travel Impression》Solo Art Exhibition
德國慕尼黑的卡爾廣場,緊連最熱鬧的瑪麗蓮廣場,位於巴洛克式正義宮的前面〜人們喜歡在慵懶的夏日午後,坐在噴泉圓環的石椅上,盡情地享受著美麗的陽光〜 ?
Karlsplatz is a large square close to Marienplatz in central Munich, southern Germany. It's also situated across from the Palace of Justice with the neo-baroque style. In the summer afternoon, people like to sit on the stone chairs, enjoying the beautiful sunshine surrounding the fountain circle.