運費:NT$ 600
當您凝視這幅作品,您所選擇的那杯酒將瞬間昇華,變得更圓潤、更純淨。 這不僅是味覺的轉變,更是一場靈魂的甦醒,讓人親自見證耶穌醫治、大能與慈愛的臨在。
這不僅是藝術,而是奇蹟的見證。 這不僅是收藏,而是恩典的傳承。
耶穌在迦拿行使水變酒的神蹟,顯示祂掌管萬物的權能: 「耶穌對僕人說:『把缸倒滿了水。』他們就倒滿了,直到缸口。耶穌又說:『現在可以舀出來,送給管筵席的。』他們就送了去。」(約翰福音 2:7-8)
這件作品承襲這份神聖祝福,使美酒在無接觸的15秒至2分鐘內醞釀昇華,如同信仰帶來的轉變—— 從平凡走向豐盛,從破碎走向完全。
1. 光影與色彩的神聖寓意
2. 信仰與轉化的象徵
蝴蝶點綴:代表復活與生命的轉變,如基督的應許,使人脫離舊有的束縛,進入新的豐盛生命。 「若有人在基督裡,他就是新造的人,舊事已過,都變成新的了。」(哥林多後書 5:17)
3. 恩典的植物配置
枯萎與盛放並存:象徵耶穌戰勝死亡,賜予我們新的生命與永恆的希望。 「我是世界的光。跟從我的,就不在黑暗裡走,必要得著生命的光。」(約翰福音 8:12)
「耶穌說:『我來了,是要叫羊得生命,並且得的更豐盛。』」(約翰福音 10:10)
這不僅是一件藝術品,而是一場與耶穌同行的靈性之旅。 讓人透過光影、色彩、瞬醇醒酒的奇蹟,親身見證醫治、大能與慈愛的臨在。
「凡相信的,必能經歷這份奇蹟,因為耶穌已為我們預備了最美好的酒與最深的愛。」(參約翰福音 2:10)
The Sacred Realm Interwoven with Jesus’ Healing, Power, and Love
"This is not just art; it is a testimony of miracles."
Artistic Concept: The Eternal Intersection of Faith, Transformation, and Grace
This piece is more than just an artwork; it is a spiritual vessel carrying Jesus’ healing, power, and love. Every flower, leaf, grain of rice, and fish within it holds the divine energy of Instant Purity, transcending time and space to continuously release grace and blessings.
When you gaze upon this artwork, it resonates with your soul, awakening deep spiritual perception and guiding your body, mind, and spirit into Jesus’ abundance and healing.
Instant Purity Miracle Experience—Witnessing the Sacred Value of Art
This is not only an immersive visual and spiritual journey but also a verification of miracles.
You can personally experience the Instant Purity wine refinement and healing energy:
1. Prepare two identical glasses of wine and place them about 15 cm apart.
2. Gaze upon the artwork and enter into Jesus’ healing and blessings.
3. Choose one glass and mindfully sense its spiritual transformation.
4. Taste both glasses alternately and experience the miraculous difference.
As you focus on the artwork, the wine you choose will be instantly refined, becoming smoother and purer. This is not merely a change in taste but a spiritual awakening—an opportunity to personally witness Jesus’ healing, power, and love.
A Timeless and Ever-Increasing Spiritual Treasure
This value-added and upgraded artwork by Liao Yuqiong is not just a visual feast but also a continually appreciating spiritual asset.
Unlimited by Time and Space
No matter where the artwork is placed, it radiates Jesus’ grace and healing energy.
Spiritual Resonance with the Viewer
Each viewing is a new miraculous experience, bringing transformation and blessings.
Dual Appreciation in Art and Energy
Over time, its value increases not only in the art market but also through the healing and testimonies it brings.
"This is not just art; it is a testimony of miracles. This is not just a collection; it is an inheritance of grace."
Jesus’ Miracle and the Mystery of Instant Purity
Jesus performed the miracle of turning water into wine at Cana, revealing His divine authority:
"Jesus said to the servants, 'Fill the jars with water'; so they filled them to the brim. Then He told them, 'Now draw some out and take it to the master of the banquet.' They did so." (John 2:7-8)
This artwork inherits that sacred blessing, allowing wine to be refined and elevated in just 15 seconds to 2 minutes without physical contact—just as faith transforms lives, turning the ordinary into abundance and the broken into wholeness.
The Blessing of Light and Shadow—Spiritual Symbolism in Art
1. The Sacred Meaning of Light and Color
Dried flowers in shades of orange, red, blue, and purple bloom harmoniously, symbolizing the Holy Spirit’s grace upon the world.
The lighting reveals depth and dimension, like Jesus’ love penetrating the darkness, bringing warmth and hope.
2. Symbols of Faith and Transformation
Red paper-cut fish: Symbolizes the freedom and rebirth of the soul, as the Holy Spirit renews life.
Silver paper-cut fish: Represents Christian faith and purity, flowing like water to bring healing and renewal.
Butterfly embellishments: Signify resurrection and transformation, echoing Christ’s promise to break old chains and bring new life.
"If anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; the old has gone, the new has come!" (2 Corinthians 5:17)
3. The Grace of Sacred Plant Arrangements
Golden rice stalks: Symbolize harvest and divine provision, reminding us that the Lord has given us abundance.
Red roses and blue-purple hydrangeas:
Red roses represent Christ’s blood and love.
Blue-purple flowers symbolize divine revelation and the mysteries of faith.
The coexistence of withered and blooming flowers: Represents Jesus’ victory over death, granting us new life and eternal hope.
"I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness but will have the light of life." (John 8:12)
Instant Purity Wine Energy and Divine Healing
This piece is not only an Instant Purity wine-refining art installation but also a sacred space where faith, healing, and grace intertwine.
Every flower and leaf carries the Instant Purity technology, instantly refining wine to be purer and smoother—symbolizing how Christ’s love transforms the soul, making it renewed.
Jesus’ healing transcends time and space. Whether or not the viewer drinks wine, simply being in this sacred artistic wonderland allows them to experience divine blessings and restoration.
"Jesus said, 'I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full.'" (John 10:10)
Awakening Wine, Heart, Soul, and Love
Instant Purity Wonderland not only refines wine but also awakens the heart, soul, and love—leading one into the abundance and healing of Jesus’ grace.
This is not just an artwork but a spiritual journey with Jesus. Through light, color, and the miraculous process of Instant Purity, one can personally witness His healing, power, and love.
"For those who believe, miracles will be experienced, for Jesus has prepared the finest wine and the deepest love for us." (Ref. John 2:10)
May this piece bring blessings into your life and allow you to witness the unfolding of miracles.