大河美術 River Art:【看不見的倆個自己——劉哲榮個展】
|開幕|09/03(六) 2:30 pm
|地點|大河美術・一館 2F
“The Invisible Two Selves—Solo Exhibition of LIU Je-Rong” will be held at RIVER ART I with the Cosplay Series, the 12 Chinese Horoscopes bronze sculptures, expected to be displayed. The artist will attend the opening reception. We cordially welcome your visit!
|Duration| 09/03(Sat)–10/10(Mon)
|Opening| 09/03(Sat) 2:30 pm
| Venue | 2F, RIVER ART I
|Address| No.305, Shuimei, Sanyi, Miaoli 36744, Taiwan
Born in 1978 in Taichung, Taiwan, LIU Je-Rong graduated from Da-Yeh University with a bachelor degree in Plastic Art Department and with a master degree in Design and Arts College. He takes his sculptures as an organism with delicate observation and wide imagination. His works endowed with dramatic tension in fable style represent the living environment through animals’ viewpoint but constructed under thoughts of humankind, found serious yet humorous. He explores subject and object diversity and infinite possibility of tolerance under multiculturalism in a way of post-modernism concerned to look into substance from various angles and viewpoints interacting with history and personal experience. Attempting to make contradiction by placing items together as if unrelated to reflect social reality and pay close attention to our living environment. When negative emotions and alienation sublimated through unceasing and reverse introspection, positive power will bring harmonious coexistence in the process of understanding.
“The Invisible Two Selves” features the Cosplay Series, the 12 Chinese Zodiac Signs bronze sculptures, to discuss the dialectical relationship between the interior and exterior. His animals, with the appearance of popular cartoon characters, are actually cosplay roles peeled off the skin to muscles and then put on cartoon costumes, getting rid of their innate nature and disguising in other appearances, so as to ingratiate the identification of others or to gain the most benefit by means of it. Cutting into the two selves through cosplay with multiple perspectives, LIU explores the contradictory phenomenon of the interior and exterior that are both actually two sides of the same one.
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