886 2 27788458
週二-週日, 11:00-19:00
Official Site
何謂1839當代? 意指:「1839年攝影術發明時至今日(from photographyinvention in 1839 to now)」。為了讓更多的人能深入了解攝影,愛好攝影,欣賞攝影,藝廊的經營理念將以立足台灣、放遠全球、推廣攝影藝術為主。
2009年四月正式成立了1839當代藝廊,創辦宗旨以透過展覽空間的平台,引薦國外攝影名家來台展覽,至今13年舉辦過百多位的國際大師的攝影個展。 我們不僅僅參加國內外舉辦的藝博會,還熱衷於通過各種藝術展推廣藝術家,促進藝術市場; 我們的目標是透過與世界知名畫廊和攝影家交流以推廣台灣攝影藝術,並向外國的藝術家敞開攝影藝術大門。
What is the 1839 Contemporary? It means from photography invention in 1839 to now. In order to have many people interest in the photography, understanding and appreciation of photographs, we are located in home country (Taiwan) and connecting home and abroad photographic arts into global marketing.
1839 Contemporary gallery was established on April 2009, we develop a reputation for playing a leading role in the field of photography. For 13 years, we have held exhibitions for over 100 photographers from all over the world. We not only participate in art fairs held at home and abroad, but also take interest in promoting artists and facilitating the art market through various exhibitions; Our aims are to promote Taiwan Photo Art through exchanges with renowned galleries and photographers worldwide, and to open doors to foreign artists through programs.
As a comprehensive art consulting provider, 1839 Contemporary Gallery aims to provide beneficial and educational cultural art services in a globalized cultural environment based on a corporate and culture network.