林餘慶&魏杏諭自學生時期開始共同創作,至今已超過十年,在他們創造的生態系裡,以麥克筆為主的色調分配,讓畫面豐富而溫潤,也因此效果非常規律平整,這種平穩的用色模式和油畫顏料發明之前的蛋彩畫和文藝復興時期很普遍的濕壁畫頗接近,這些色料因為使用上無法「揮霍」、不得「揮灑」,因而予人平和穩定的感受,藝術家耐心分配色調和色塊,在繁忙緊湊的生態節奏中,公平地分配色彩,創造了均衡生態。此外,系列作品之間的物件串連,也讓他們的創作產生古時壁畫的共時性──將長篇幅的故事呈現在一片牆上,讓觀者於一眼全覽的同時也能在細節裡悠遊。林餘慶&魏杏諭生於1983 & 1982年,皆畢業於朝陽科技大學視覺傳達系,他們的作品曾被美術館、基金會及海內外私人邀展與收藏,如國立台灣美術館、寧夏銀川當代美術館、澳門何鴻燊博士基金會、香港梁潔華藝術基金會、南京嚴陸根藝術基金會等,藏家遍及台、日、中、韓、港澳及美國等地。
LIN Yu-Ching & WEI Hsing-Yu is double combination artists. They use the most industrial medium, marker pen, as the main base of their works. The steady and regular patterns of color-using build up an atmosphere close to Tempera and Frescoes works, bringing people a peaceful and steady experience. In addition, the articles connecting different series has added the synchronicity of ancient murals to these work (to put a whole lengthy story on one wall), which provides the audience with an overview while they immerse in the exquisite details at the same time. The works of LIN & WEI are collected by many museums and foundations such as National Taiwan Museum of Fine Arts (Taiwan), Chiu Yeng Culture Limited (Macau), Annie Wong Art Foundation (Hong Kong). LIN and WEI were also invited by MOCA Yinchuan, (Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region) and National Taiwan Museum of Fine Arts (Taichung) for attending exhibitions. Especially, Dynasty Gallery also introduced LIN & WEI's works at Art Central 2018 and got huge success. Many new private buyers who were from Hong Kong, Spain, Italy, Beijing and Shanghai admire and collected their works.
【Art Taipei 2015 台北國際藝術博覽會|展位 B08 】 ,朝代畫廊 ,台北市 ,台灣
【喜喜】一次對於媒體性的探討 ,朝代畫廊 ,台北市 ,台灣
【奇異國】林餘慶&魏杏諭2014創作個展 ,朝代畫廊 ,台北市 ,台灣
【上海城市藝術博覽會&成都城市藝術博覽會】 ,朝代畫廊 ,中國 ,國際
【起步檔】東亞青年當代藝術作品展 ,朝代畫廊 ,台北市 ,台灣