1911 出生於臺灣省台中市豐原
2006 過世
2003 成立林有德美術館
1958 第四屆台中縣議員
1953-1956 第二屆豐原鎮鎮長
1951-1953 民選首任豐原鎮鎮長
1991 林有德個展,阿波羅畫廊,臺北
2019 無盡-大稻埕國際藝術節畫展,臺灣中小企業銀行x阿波羅畫廊x大稻埕國際藝術節,臺北
2016 衫林涼意-林有德‧林顯模‧林嶺森 聯展,阿波羅畫廊,臺北
1986.87 參加亞細亞(中、日、韓、馬來西亞)美展
1985 當代美術家作品展、至中國和日本等地參展
1982 被邀參展臺南千人展
2001 參加東京第二十四屆國際藝展並獲得特別優秀賞
1989 被表揚臺中縣十大傑出藝術家(金穗獎)
1987.88 參加東京亞細亞美術大展並獲得特選、大會長賞
1985 臺灣省第三十九屆美展入選
1984 高雄市第二屆美展特選
1983 臺中縣老人才藝作品水彩部第一名(縣長獎)
1982 臺灣省老人作品展水彩部第一名(主席獎)
1977 獲臺灣省第三十二屆美選入選
1976 獲臺灣省第三十一屆美選入選
1968 獲臺灣省第二十三屆美展入選
1930-36 連續獲得臺中州教員展大會賞(特展)
1930 榮獲第四屆臺灣美術展入選
1929 榮獲第三屆臺灣水彩畫會展入選並且得到大會長賞
Lin You-The
1911 Born in Fengyuan, Taichung
2006 Passed away
Graduated from the Taipei Normal School (National Taipei University of Education)
2003 Establishment of the Lin You-The Art Museum
1958 The 4th Taichung County Councillor
1953-1956 The 2nd Mayor of Fengyuan Town
1951-1953 The first mayor of Fengyuan Town
*Solo Exhibitions
1991 Solo Exhibition at Apollo Art Gallery, Taiepi
*Joint exhibitions
2019 “Limitless” exhibition at Tua-Tiu-Tiann International Festival of Arts, Collaboration between Apollo Art Gallery & Taiwan Business Bank
2006 Joint exhibition at Apollo Art Gallery, Taiepi
1987 Asia Art Exhibition
1986 Asia Art Exhibition
1985 Contemporary Art Exhibited works in China and Japan
1982 Invited to participate in Tainan’s “Thousand Talents Exhibition”
2001 Participated in the 24th Tokyo International Art and won an award for excellence
1989 Was named as one of Taichung’s top ten artists and was awarded the Gold Fringe Award
1987 Participated and won awards in the Tokyo Asia Art Exhibition
1985 Selected for 39th Taiwan Art Exhibition
1984 Selected for 2nd Kaohsiung City Art Exhibition
1983 Mayor award at the Watercolour Exhibition for Taiwanese Elders
1982 Chairman award at the Watercolour Exhibition for Taiwanese Elders
1977 Selected for 32nd Taiwan Fine Arts Exhibition
1976 Selected for 31st Taiwan Fine Arts Exhibition
Selected for 24th Taiwan Fine Arts Exhibition
Selected for 32nd Taiyang Art Association Exhibition
1968 Selected for 23rd Taiwan Fine Arts Exhibition
1930-1936 Successively won the Taichung Region Exhibition award
1930 Selected for the fourth Taiwan Fine Arts Exhibition
1929 Selected for the Third Taiwan Watercolour Exhibition, won the grand award
【無盡】大稻埕國際藝術節畫展 ,阿波羅畫廊 ,台北市 ,台灣
【巨擘薪傳】台灣前輩藝術家特展 ,阿波羅畫廊 ,台北市 ,台灣
【春雨、新綠】港區藝術中心典藏精品常設展 ,台中市港區藝術中心 ,台中市 ,台灣