諾山自述 -
我出生於烏克蘭哈爾科夫州的一個小城市:巴拉克列亞 (Balaklia)。童年時期,我和我的奶奶一起居住在一個小村落,也因此奶奶對我的繪畫創作產生了很大的影響,她成為了我繪畫中最重要的一個精神表徵。她堅忍的意志力體現在她額頭的皺紋和她粗糙的雙手上。她對我來說,是一個不折不扣的大英雄,因為她撐過了 1933-1948 年的大饑荒,以及 1941-1945 年的第二次世界大戰。她的名字叫做「瑪麗亞」。她教導我如何不被命運的衝擊打敗,也教導我熱愛養育我們的大地,並指引我成為一個富有同情心的好男人⋯⋯
Born in town of Balakliya in 1970, finish the Kharkov State Art College in 1992, in major of ”Graphics“. Finish the Kharkov State Academy of Design and Arts in 1998, in major of “Graphics”. From 2003, became member of youth association of the Kharkov section of Union of the Artists of Ukraine.
Self-Statement /
I was born in a small provincial town of Balaklia, near Kharkov. My childhood was passed in a small village where my grandmother lived. Thus, she became the central figure of my works. Her perseverance is embodied within her forehead, her coarse hands. Hers is a life of heroism, for she was a woman who experienced the famine of 1933-1948, the war of 1941-1945… It’s her, Maria, who taught me to be indifferent to the onslaught of fate, who taught me to love the land she herself cherished, who preached sympathy into my heart and taught me how to be, just a man…
In my work I often retrace the time into when my grandmother Maria was still alive, to our cherry orchard near the house, to the old apple tree with a swing attached. This remembrance of time, is my returning to the paradise on earth I invented. It is a place where stars and human souls are interlaced into a single universe, in which one’s desire is no more than the simple wishes of a peasant.
Sometimes it seems to me that I am not painting pictures, but recreating the story of myself.