荷蘭藝術家喬斯·范登·伯格(Jos van den Berg)出生於1948年,熱愛旅行,在巴布亞新幾內亞、婆羅洲和蘇利南的叢林等地旅行、探險的經驗也對他創作產生很大的影響,其創作的內容主要以人物、風景、城市、建築和寺廟為主,並擅長以抽像風格描繪出對在地居民和土地的尊重。2003年,他的作品為荷蘭國家博物館收藏(Rijks collectie),荷蘭國家博物館收藏眾多具有特殊藝術、文化或科學價值的藝術品。Jos van den Berg將他對民族藝術的熱情反映在他作品的形狀和色彩上,大膽的運用冷暖色差硬漢式的揮灑。構圖純真,看似粗糙的筆觸卻又帶點不經意的細膩雕琢,充分展現其情感與思緒。Jos van den Berg的畫作就像李白,時而放蕩不羈、肆意凌亂,時而牽絲萬緒、鐵漢柔情。大膽的構圖、呵護的點綴,一筆一畫都是抒情的心血。
Jos van den Berg (b. 1948, Apeldoorn, The Netherlands) painting techniques were strongly influenced by the Hague artist Hendrik Raab, in whose studio he worked at the end of the 1960s. Although uneasy to define his style, his colorful works lean to those of the European avant-garde artists (CoBrA) with a strong expression of simplicity and innocence. Van den Berg’s affection for ethnic art is reflected in the shapes and colors of his works, he drew his inspirations from his obsessive love for Southeast Asia and South Africa where he has visited many times. His rough brush- and knife strokes created impasto texture and layers for the paintings. Van den Berg’s works are collected by the State Collection of the Netherlands (De Rijkscollectie).
【日常】Ordinary ,陳氏藝術 Chens Art Gallery ,台北市 ,台灣
【日常 Ordinary】聯展 ,陳氏藝術 Chens Art Gallery ,台北市 ,台灣