1914 出生於臺北迪化街
1990 過世
1933 福建省廈門繪畫學院畢業
1989 受聘為臺灣省立美術館第一屆展品審查委員
1982 赴韓國、日本等地旅行寫生
1977 遠赴歐洲各國與東南亞各地旅行寫生
1959 應聘為全省美展評審委員
1955 與畫家楊三郎、洪瑞麟、許深洲、溫長順、黃江海等橫越中央山脈寫生,同年三月於台北舉行山岳美術展覽會聯展
1950 五零年代起開始創作一系列山岳作品
1948 與許深州、黃鷗波、金潤作等人組成「青雲美術會」,對臺灣美術發展留下珍貴的貢獻
1947 出任臺灣省立編譯館助理編輯
1946 自廈門返回臺灣
1938 加入MOUVE美術會
1937 加入臺陽美術協會
1931 前往日本神戶深造繪畫技巧,先後進入位於神戶的神港洋畫研究所、人體速寫研究,東京的獨立美術研究所、クロッキー研究所等畫塾習畫
1921 遷居廈門
1989 呂基正油畫個展,阿波羅畫廊,臺北,臺灣
1985 國立歷史博物館畫廊舉行個展,臺北,臺灣
1965 於日本神戶舉辦油畫個展,日本
1958 在臺舉辦第一次個展,臺灣
1934 於廈門台灣公會堂舉行個展,福建,中國
2023《巨擘薪傳》MOUVE 85週年紀念展,阿波羅畫廊,臺北,臺灣
1955 與畫家楊三郎、洪瑞麟、許深洲、溫長順、黃江海等橫越中央山脈寫生,同年三月於臺北舉行山岳美術展覽會聯展
1969 榮獲中國畫學會金爵獎
1950 榮獲全省美展最高榮譽獎
1946 榮獲首屆全省美術展特選第一名長官獎
1937 榮獲第27回兵庫縣美展佳作獎
1037 日本第11回全關西美展入選
1936 榮獲第26回兵庫縣美展佳作獎
1936 第2回臺陽美術展臺陽獎
1935 榮獲第25回兵庫縣美展佳作獎
1933 榮獲日本第19~20回兵庫縣美展入選以及日本中央美展入選
1934 入選日本第8回全關西美展入選、第21回兵庫縣美展入選、臺陽美術展第八名
1985 呂基正油畫集,呂基正發行
LU Chi-Cheng
1914 Born in Taipei
1990 Passed away
1933 Graduated from the Xiamen Academy of Painting
1989 Appointed to the first review committee of the National Taiwan Museum
1982 Traveled to South Korean and Japan to sketch
1977 Traveled to European countries and Southeast Asia to sketch
1971 Traveled to Japan, South Korea, Hong Kong and other places to sketch
1959 Served as juror for the Provincial Art Exhibition
1955 Focused on mountain sketching
1948 Founded the Ching-Yun Art Association
1946 Returned to Taiwan
1938 Joined the MOUVE art group
1937 Joined the Taiyang Association
1931 Moved to Japan to study painting
1921 Moved to Xiamen
*Solo Exhibitions
1989 Solo exhibition at Apollo Art Gallery, Taipei
1985 Solo exhibition at National Museum of History, Taipei
1965 Solo exhibition of oil paintings in Kobe, Japan
1958 First Solo exhibition in Taiwan
*Joint exhibitions
2023 MOUVE 85th Anniversary Exhibition at Apollo Art Gallery, Taipei, Taiwan
2021 "Taiwanese Art Treasures Preserved Overseas" The Homecoming Exhibition of the Sun Ten Collection at National Taiwan Museum of Fine Arts, Taichung
2019 “Limitless” exhibition at Tua-Tiu-Tiann International Festival of Arts, Collaboration between Apollo Art Gallery & Taiwan Business Bank
1955 Participated in a group exhibition on mountain sketches in Taipei
1969 Won the gold award of the Chinese Painting Society artist award
1946 Won the Director’s award for the first Provincial Art Exhibition
1937 Selected in the 11th All Kansai Art Exhibition in Japan,
1937 Won the 27th Hyogo Prefectural Art Exhibition Excellence Award
1936 Won the 26th Hyogo Prefectural Art Exhibition Excellence Award
1936 Won the 2nd Taiyang Fine Arts Exhibition Taiyang Award
1935 Won the 25th Hyogo Prefectural Art Exhibition Excellence Award
1934 Selected in the 8th All Kansai Art Exhibition in Japan
1934 Selected in the 21st Hyogo Art Exhibition
1934 Achieved 8th in Taiyang Art Exhibition
1933 Won the 19th~20th Hyogo Prefectural Art Exhibition in Japan and the Central Art Exhibition in Japan
1985 Publication of “Collection of oil paintings” Published by LU Chi-Cheng
【巨擘薪傳XII】MOUVE 85週年紀念展 ,阿波羅畫廊 ,台北市 ,台灣
【嶾嶙的岳光】在敬與畏的稜線間 ,臺南市美術館 ,台南市 ,台灣
【寶島美術的開闢與啟蒙 】臺灣前輩藝術家特展 2.1-3.5 ,長流美術館 ,台北市 ,台灣
【50風華】華岡博物館50周年館慶特展 ,華岡博物館 ,台北市 ,台灣
【無盡】大稻埕國際藝術節畫展 ,阿波羅畫廊 ,台北市 ,台灣
【傳承 / 可見 與 未可見】尊彩二十五週年特展 ,尊彩藝術中心 ,台北市 ,台灣
【聚.2016零號集錦】 ,南畫廊 ,台北市 ,台灣