Terdtanwa Kanama 或Turn(藝術家別名 Turn) 的作品融合了街頭⽂化、熱衷探索和傳統亞洲根源。他的藝術是對泰國傳統美術世界的致敬,Turn從⼩在藝術家世家成⾧,同為藝術家的⽗親主要創作也是以繪畫中為主。與此同時,Terdtanwa 的藝術是對擁有初⼼的⼈們致敬,是對⼈類內在好奇⼼的致敬,以及他們與 Bonsy 等植物朋友⼀起踏上的冒險之旅。
Terdtanwa Kanama or Turn’s work fuses Western street culture, youthful energy and traditional Asian roots. His art is a homage to Thailand’s traditional fine art world in which the artist grew up seeing his father paint at a young age. At the same time, Terdtanwa’s art is a tribute to the child, an inner curiosity within humans, along with the adventure they embark on together with his plant friends like Bonsy. The artist has taken inspiration from graffiti, streetwear to music alongside his real-life encounter of foster children with big dreams.
The artist chronicles the unique journey in the transformation of himself and those around him in a playful way, conveying a sense of hope, empowerment, and joy of chasing the dreams for a better life. The embodiment of youth culture and the acceptance of one’s identity within both society and nature means constant self-discovery and wonder that remains ever so relevant today.
【loophole】GALERIE OVO x ArtSticker ,十方藝術空間 ,日本 ,國際
【Sun-Kissed 】Turn Kanama Solo Exhibition ,十方藝術空間 ,台北市 ,台灣