1997 捷克布爾諾音樂學院 表演藝術學士學位
Zdenek Konvalina的繪畫作品曾受邀展出於英國倫敦、加拿大多倫多、和美國休士頓等地。在成為專職藝術家前,他以芭蕾舞蹈家的身份活躍於美國、亞洲和歐洲,並獲得眾多藝術成就獎項,如2008年的多倫多勞力士獎和2012年英國國家舞蹈獎,期間Zdenek亦受委託佈景設計芭蕾舞作品舞台,如2010年意大利佛羅倫斯的《Impermanence》、2017年在柏林德意志歌劇院的《Drop》等。
2023 《What’s missing is on purpose nothing》,Cova Gallery,愛因霍芬,荷蘭
2021 《Zeit für Brot》個展,柏林,德國
2020 《Take a deep Breath》個展, Cova Gallery,愛因霍芬,荷蘭
2019 《Screen Paintings》MtArt&Meeri Moilanen,倫敦,英國
《Between Two Worlds》,Painted House Museum,特熱比奇,捷克
2018 《Tanzenden Stern》 MtArt,倫敦,英國
2024 台北國際藝術博覽會,大雋藝術,台北世貿中心,台北,台灣
KIAF Seoul 2024,Coex,首爾,韓國
ART CENTRAL 2024,中環海濱香港,香港
Beautiful Chaos by _____.,大雋藝術,台中,台灣
PRIMA NOVA II,Circle Culture畫廊,柏林,德國
PRIMA NOVA II,Circle Culture畫廊,漢堡,德國
2023 Art Herning 藝術博覽會,Benoni Gallery,霍寧,丹麥
Joie de vivre! 國際當代藝術家聯展,大雋藝術,台中,台灣
2022 《Great Things》,Cova Gallery,愛因霍芬,荷蘭
《Panorama》聯展,Cohle Gallery,梅諾卡,西班牙
2020 《Screen time is up》,柏林,德國
2019 《Edition 1.0》 AXS ART,柏林,德國
《Transmission Readiness》Azaro Art Spaces,漢堡,德國
《Open Ealing》 Jack Jones策展,倫敦,英國
2016 《Summer exhibition》Hatch House,薩默塞特,英國
《It's Ok To Come In》,Open Ealing Gallery,倫敦,英國
2015 《All possible realities Exist》,Open Ealing Gallery,倫敦,英國
2017 與貴湖交響樂團合作現場繪畫表演,貴湖,加拿大
2017 《Drop》,與choreographic lab合作佈景設計,Deutsche Oper劇院,德國,柏林
2010 《Impermanence》佈景設計,Maggio Musicale劇院,佛羅倫斯,意大利
2010 《The Landscape》與作曲家 Guillaume Côte合作佈景設計,四季表演藝術中心,多倫多, 加拿大
2012 英國國家舞蹈獎
2008 多倫多勞力士講
2001 赫爾辛基國際芭蕾舞比賽金獎
Zdenek Konvalina
Born in Czech in 1979, now works and lives in Berlin 1997 Bachelor’s degree: Performing Arts, Brno Conservatory Czech Republic
Zdenek Konvalina is a Multidisciplinary artist. His paintings have been included in solo and group exhibitions in London, Berlin, Eindhoven, Copenhagen, Munich, Vienna, Hamburg etc. Before fully devoting himself to a painting practice, Konvalina accomplished a distinguished career as a performing artist, performing and working around the world in America, Asia and Europe and winning numerous awards for his artistic achievements such as the Rolex Award Toronto 2008 and National Dance Award in UK in 2012. As part of his portfolio Zdenek also has been commissioned to design sets for ballet projects “Impermanence” in Florence in 2010 and “Drops” at the Deutsche Oper, Berlin in 2017, as well as Live Performance/Painting with Guelph Symphony in Canada.
Solo Exhibitions
2023 “What’s missing is on purpose nothing”, Cova Gallery, Eindhoven, Netherlands
2021 “Zeit für Brot”, Artists Positions, Berlin, Germany
2020 “Take a deep Breath”, Cova Gallery, Eindhoven, Netherlands
2019 “Screen Paintings" MtArt&Meeri Moilanen, London, UK
“Between Two Worlds”, Painted House Museum, Trebic, Czech Republic
2018 “Tanzenden Stern” MtArt, London, UK
Group Exhibitions
2024 ART TAIPEI 2024, Rich Art Gallery, Taipei World Trade Center, Taipei, Taiwan
KIAF Seoul 2024, Coex, Seoul, Korea
ART CENTRAL 2024, Central Harbourfront Event Space, Hong Kong
Beautiful Chaos by _____., Rich Art Gallery, Taichung, Taiwan
"Prima Nova II", Circle Culture Gallery Berlin, Group Exhibition, Berlin, Germany
"Prima Nova II", Circle Culture Gallery Hamburg, Group Exhibition, Hamburg, Germany
2023 Joie de vivre! Contemporary Art Group Exhibition, Rich Art Gallery, Taichung, Taiwan
Art Herning Art Fair, Benoni Gallery, Herning, Denmark
ART TAIPEI 2023, Rich Art Gallery, Taipei World Trade Center, Taipei, Taiwan
Group Exhibition, Rich Art Gallery, Taichung, Taiwan
2022 “Great Things”, Small Doses, Cova Gallery, Eindhoven, Netherlands
“Panorama”, Cohle Gallery, Menorca, Spain
2020 “Screen time is up" Artists Positions, Berlin, Germany
2019 “Edition 1.0” AXS ART, Berlin, Germany
“Transmission Readiness” Azaro Art Spaces, Hamburg, Germany
“Open Ealing” curated by Jack Jones, London, UK
2016 “Summer exhibition” Hatch House, Somerset, UK
“It's Ok To Come In”, Open Ealing gallery, London, UK
2015 “All possible realities Exist”, Open Ealing gallery, London, UK
2017 Collaboration with Guelph Symphony, Live Performance/Painting, Guelph, Canada
2017 “Drop”, Set design for the choreographic lab, Deutsche Oper, Berlin, Germany
2010 “Impermanence”, Set design, Maggio Musicale, Florence, Italy
2010 “The Landscape”, collaboration with composer Guillaume Côte, set design, Four Seasons Centre for Performing Arts, Toronto, Canada
2012 National Dance Award, UK London
2008 The Rolex Award Toronto
2001 Gold Medal at International Ballet Competition Helsinki
【ART CENTRAL 2025|大雋藝術 展區C10】ART CENTRAL 2025|Rich Art Booth C10 ,大雋藝術 Rich Art ,中國大陸 ,國際
【Kiaf SEOUL|大雋藝術 展位P10】Kiaf SEOUL|Rich Art Gallery Booth P10 ,大雋藝術 Rich Art ,韓國 ,國際
【Joie de vivre! 國際當代藝術家聯展】Joie de vivre! Contemporary Art Group Exhibition ,大雋藝術 Rich Art ,台中市 ,台灣