1980年 出⽣、生活與創作於臺灣臺北
2007年 美國舊金山藝術學院繪畫藝術 學士
2008年 美國紐約市立大學杭特學院藝術研究所 肄業
2019年 池上藝術村,臺東,臺灣
2022年 第二十一屆台新藝術獎,個展「霧中風景」提名,臺灣 作品 獲 國立台灣美術館、文化部藝術銀行、澳洲白兔美術館 等國內外公私立單位典藏
在當代藝術的世界裡,我追求「塗畫」(Drawing) 般開放自由的狀態,並以此為核心投入視覺藝術創作。在漫長歷史的技術革新演化下,人類日益依賴語言與文字,也因此產生了感知的「自我限制」。我感興趣的是在語言與文字出現之前,人類如何使用全感官來感知世界。
b. 1980, Lives and works in Taichung, Taiwan.
2007 B.F.A., San Francisco Art institute, U.S.A.
2008 M.F.A., Program, Hunter College of The City University of New York, U.S.A.
2019 Art Chishang, Taitung, Taiwan.
2022 Nominated, 21th Taishin Arts Award (Solo exhibition Scapes in the Mist), Taiwan.
His works are collected by domestic and foreign public and private institutions such as the National Taiwan Museum of Fine Arts, the Art Bank of the Ministry of Culture, and the White Rabbit Art Museum in Australia.
In the realm of contemporary art, I pursue a state of open freedom akin to “Drawing", which serves as the core of my engagement in visual artistry. Amidst the ongoing technological advancements throughout history, humanity has increasingly relied on language and text, resulting in a perceptual “self-limitation." My interest lies inunderstanding how humans perceived the world using all senses before the emergence of language and text.
In Taiwan, “Drawing" is often translated as “素描(sù miáo)," yet I define it as “塗畫(tú huà)." Here, “塗(tú)" serves as a verb encompassing writing, painting, or doodling. It’s not merely an artistic medium or form for me but a means to freely perceive the world. Through the spirit of “塗畫(tú huà)," I have the liberty to explore various visual art imaginaries, creating poetic scenarios interlinked with all things.
My recent series of dialogues in ink painting merge anonymous ink paintings, pencil drawings, contemporary textiles, and mounting techniques, opening up new paths in contemporary ink art. Another series involves paper sculpture created through the combination of photography, darkroom images, and curled photo paper, presenting a fresh facet within contemporary photography. These endeavors are all driven by the pursuit of “freedom" as I continuously explore new frontiers in visual artistry akin to an explorer. This includes a reexamination and reflection on art history and visual art culture. However, my aim isn’t historical excavation but rather the extraction of new cultural values from within.
【《建構虛實》】劉文瑄 & 瑟米爾.陶迪雙人展 ,絕版影像館 ,新竹市 ,台灣