

竹東高中(2) National Chutung Senior High School II

1952|水彩.紙本 Watercolor on paper

41x27 cm 6 P

  • 個性內向沈靜、行事專注嚴謹的蕭如松,素以清澈明淨的水彩畫風聞名。蕭如松藉由創作當成心靈的獨白,一幅幅作品便是一段段心靈式的自我對話,其中包含蕭如松對澄澈生命的追求與簡樸生活的堅持,是不容外力干擾與他人動搖的。其繪畫的題材就圍繞在他平時的所思、所見,無論是何種畫題,皆以不透明水彩顏料,營造出極為透明的效果,包含動人的光影及流動的空氣。其表現技法則是以躍動的色點、明快的線條、幾何意味的色塊分割,來架構畫面,以慣用的灰黃、青綠、深藍等色澤來呈現個人神祕深邃的內心世界。

    Hsiao Ju-sung, introverted and calm, a man of concentration who paid meticulous attention to detail in his work, is best known for watercolors in limpid, bright colors and compact style. For Hsiao, artistic creation was a “soliloquy of the soul” and each of his paintings is like a contemplative dialogue of the artist with his own inner self. His oeuvre is also a reflection of his unwavering pursuit of a pure and simple life, a life free from external interferences in which nothing and no one could shake his convictions. Unsurprisingly, then, the content of his paintings revolves around his thoughts and the things that captured his eye in everyday life. No matter what the specific motif, Hsiao manages to create an extremely bright and translucent effect, even though he usually employs dull, opaque colors. The shadows and shades that are so appealing in his pictures, as well as the wisps of moving air that lend extra life to his compositions, are also done in such muted shades. Hsiao arranges his compositions through bouncing dots of color, lively linework, and an application of paint that has a strong flavor of geometrization and fragmentation. His watercolors are frequently dominated by grayish-yellow, bluish-green and dark blue tones, which amply convey the profound and mysterious depths of Hsiao’s inner world.


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冬 ,1976


蕭如松-竹東高中(2) National Chutung Senior High School II



竹東高中(2) National Chutung Senior High School II ,1952
