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The fundamental thing about paper is that it lacks hardness. At one point, I made paper installations, and I was expressing something other than a usual memory of the concept of forces. I used prepared paper to hang objects weighing as heavy as 50 to 100 kilos – even hanging a wooden table from a piece of paper.
I have been worked with paper for 37 or 38 years now. The first time was when I watched workers move cement. Each sack, 50 kilos, was wrapped in paper. Each sack was more than 50 kilos, but no matter how it moved or shook, when heavy cement was wrapped in light, soft paper, nothing happened to it. That is why through human conduct, the object, material, or medium of paper unfolds and become a kind of space. Paper is able to express my thinking, and all I have seen and experienced in the past 40 years.
The numbers on my pictures bear no significance in themselves, in terms of having “set concepts.” I am simply using things that everyone is familiar with and can be seen every day, but hardly realized at all. Sometimes, this can be freely, and very simple, expressed in numbers.